Hi, my name is Angie :) I am a mother of 3 fabulous kids and I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 21 years. I've also been fat for the majority of my adult life. I say majority because I have had small increments of time that I wasn't fat due to some exreem diet or excercise plan. I've lost over a 100lbs on 2 different occasions....only to gain every. single. pound. of it back. If I had a dollar for every pound I've lost and gained in my life time I would be a very rich woman.

On January 27, 2016 I flew to Mexico and had DS surgery. I've wanted weightloss surgery for as long as I can remember and just was never in a place where I could afford to have it done. And I feel like for the first time in a very long time I have a future ahead of me that I am so excited to be a part of. Sometime, in the very near future, I won't be the fat mom, or the fat friend, or the fat girl....I will just be a mom, a friend, I will just be Angie. 

About Me
Oct 06, 2015
Member Since
