ARGH - I have been overweight and now obese for most of my life. I have tried every diet with no success as I am sure all who read these posts have as well. So, now I am in research mode for WLS. Have not made any final decisions yet as to where or when so that is my next step. I have been in contact with a few WL centers checking them out. My insurance will cover WLS but I have not found a center/hospital/surgeon in my area that I am comfortable with, i.e. the cost as well as the care. I am keepin' on though.

So a bit more about me - I am a single woman, older than most I am sure. I have the most trouble cooking for one so I went through a BUNCH of good sounding recipes and cut them down to 1 or 2 servings - I was tired of either eating it all or throwing it out as I do not have freezer space for a lot of leftovers. I love to cook though. I also am an avid reader, quilter, camper.

I have 3 grandchildren that I want to LIVE for and be able to be active with them. After I have WLS and lose a bunch of weight (hoping it will be ALL of my excess weight) I hope that my grandchildren will not be able to remember when grandma couldn't play with them as it is now.

If any have insight to share, it will be welcomed.

About Me
Nov 12, 2015
Member Since
