I'm going to keep this short and sweet.  If you're on the fence about getting RNY surgery... DO IT!!  I've been asked many times if I would do it all over again, and my answer is always the same:

IF I had to do it all over again, AND my ONLY option were to get the surgery WITHOUT anesthesia (not possible, I know.. )... I'd STILL do it! Without a moment's hesitation!  The surgery isn't only completely life changing - it's life GIVING!

Pre-surgery co-morbids: pre-diabetic, severe high blood pressure, edema in the limbs due to blood pressure, severe sleep apnea (had to sleep with a CPAP every night). 

Post-surgery: ALL resolved within 1 month of surgery.

Besides all the health stuff.... Who doesn't want one more shot at being a hottie before getting too old? Haha

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 22, 2020
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Night before surgery - I was so excited!
Almost 9 years later - What a life changer!
