Diane B. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Everyone - I just found out that my request for WLS has been denied. I knew I was going to be denied before it even happened, so it was not a complete shock when I had it confirmed today. Now I start the appeal process and go from there. This is the short version - for the whole story it's on my profile. But I wish all of you waiting on insurance that approval will be soon, those who have had surgery - speedy, problem-free recoveries, those awaiting surgery - nerves of steel & calming thoughts that it will be OK, those thinking about WLS - courage to take the first step to read and learn about it, those of us who are appealing - may that denial be changed to an approval soon, and may God bless all of you in your journeys. Today I'm mad as hell and the fight begins!!!! DI from NJ

Joan Z. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Diane; Thank you for posting to Barbara's support page. She will be home today!!!!! Please keep us updated on your upcoming surgery, we wish you the best of luck.....Thank You again...Joan

Joan Z. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Diane; It is me (Joan) I e-mailed you a bit ago and wanted to let you know Barbara and I would like to thank you for being so kind. Let us know when your surgery date is so we can keep track of you. We wish the best for you and know you will do will with the Surgery. God Bless and Keep you........Joan

Louise K. 20 years, 8 months ago

Diane, - thank you for all of your kind thoughts and prayers for my surgery and speedy recovery. My surgery is only 2 weeks from today. I am so ready and so psyched. I wish it was yesterday and I was already recovering. Please learn to get use to your C-Pap machine. I also have one and now I love it. I can't imagine going to sleep without it. I am so happy that the constant exhausted feeeling I use to have is only a memory. It can only get better from here. I noticed that you and I have a lot of the same intrests. I also love to read, crochet and knit and I have a giant (16lb) fury yorkshire terrier child named Cody. You have a wonderful spirit and a special kindness toward others. I look forward to our internet friendship. Louisa

Tee P. 20 years, 8 months ago

Di, Thank you for your sweet encouraging words. God bless you too. . . he already has me for my family and friends and now new friends. I'll be chatting with you soon. =)

Sydney C. 20 years, 8 months ago

Thanks for taking time out of your busy life to support me! This is great..... I want you to know that I am thinking about you, and hope all goes well on your journey. You sound like you have it all together!

Diane B. 20 years, 9 months ago

Hi everyone! Just a quick update on my journey. I had a sleep test last night and I have sleep apnea and will need a CPAP machine. Tomorrow I have my graduation to attend and I have to make a speech - I'm valedictorian of the Medical Office Administration course. Wow! Stress! I hate public speaking. But I'm still happy go lucky and still have a positive attitude. Thanks so much for all your support and kind words. Just 2 more doctors to see. God bless everyone having surgery today, getting their pre-ops, seeking approval and just starting out. Hugs from DI from NJ

Adora M. 20 years, 9 months ago

Hi Diane, Thank you for your kind words of support. I am very excited and looking forward to next Friday and will be glad to be on the other side following a trouble-free surgery. I will carry all the prayers and well wishes with me to surgery. I pray that you will have your authorization and surgery date soon. Take care, Gods Blessings, Adora

Brenda M. 20 years, 9 months ago

THANK YOU!!For all the kind thoughts and prayers and good luck on your journey.Brenda

Bethy413 20 years, 9 months ago

Best wishes to you for an uneventful surgery and a recovery thats as quick and painfree as possible. This quote is from a book my grandmother gave me before she passed away. It was one of her favorites.(Kahlil Gibran) "But if in your thought you must measure time into seasons,let each season encircle all the other seasons, and let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing"
About Me
Lincoln Park, NJ
Surgery Date
Aug 11, 2003
Member Since
