Laurence Tanaka

"My first impression of Dr. Tanaka was that he was a little brusque. Over time, and after getting to know him a bit, I can see that he is a professional and caring person. It took a lot of "asking questions" and (I think) confirming in his mind that I understood that WLS is a "tool" and not a panacea. His office staff is great. He belongs to a practice of 4 surgeons and they have a bariatric nurse on a pager to answer questions/respond to emergencies 24/7. There is a structured aftercare program with followup labwork at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months...along with office visits. Overall I would say that I had no doubts that the surgery would "work"...any doubts I had were in my ability to cope with pain and changing my lifestyle...both of which I've managed to do easily enough (so far *s*) I'd rate surgical competence as most important. I'd rather have a surgeon who knew what he/she was doing...than one who was less than competent, but could make me feel good about it (ha!) 5-25-01: I'm 14 months post-op now and haven't a single regret that I had Dr Tanaka as my surgeon, or my association with Pacific Bariatric. Well, that's not entirely true. I wish I lived closer to San Diego so that I could partake of some of the support group activities, but I knew that would be a challenge going in. I'm presently scheduled for a hernia repair, tummy tuck and thigh was to happen on 6 Jun, but now will be pushed back to some time in Aug. I'm pleased as can be with my new life and wish all future WLS patients all the best!"
About Me
SoCal, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2000
Member Since
