Denis Halmi

"Dr Halmi was kind of quiet but seems to be very knowledgable. He didn't have any information about Duodnial Switch to share with me because he doesn't do them. I was kind of undecided between RNY and DS but I guess I will be having RNY. I had a long wait in the waiting room to get in to see him (1+ hours) and the first appointment didn't last very long. He gave me a booklet to share with my husband about the surgery and went over it. Since I had been doing lots of research on this I knew everything in the book already but it was helpful to use to get my DH up to speed. Dr Halmi told me all the risks but didn't emphasise them. He told me that he has had some patients with complications but not many. He did tell me about the Staples support club. After I left I realized that I didn't get any information from him regarding tests I will have to have or follow up I can expect from him. (His receptionist covered that with me at a later time) Perhaps he covers that in the next meeting. I feel comfortable going ahead with my surgery with Dr Halmi so I suppose that is a very high rating."
About Me
Fredericksburg, VA
Aug 16, 2001
Member Since
