Oscar Lirio

"In the beginning I had my reservation's about him. His office isn't set up for Obese people the chairs not all but most have arms that make it very had to sit in. The aisle and the examing room's all are to small. But when he schedules you for surgery he know's everything there is to know about you inside and out before he put's you on the table. Which for me probaly saved my life. Half way into the surgery my breathing decreased to near fatal level's but he was ready for it, his pre-surgery test's seem extreme, but now I know why. The nurse's call him Little Ceasar, but they all respect him and he is truely a patient's Dr.Because I live so far away from his office I only go to him every few week's I have my family Dr. do blood pressure and blood work and have it sent to him. He then call's if he see's any problem's. For instant's my Sugar level is down, probably because I'm not eating enough. Another thing don't do what he say's and he will jump all over you. At first my impression of him was cold but since then, I realize he is very good at what he doe's and would reccomend him to anyone."
About Me
Evans Mills, NY
Sep 05, 2001
Member Since
