glenda B. 22 years, 9 months ago

just a quick 2 month post down 40 lbs to 209 yea!! doing great and so happy with the results i cannot wait to be under that 200 mark. im asking for prayers for my dad he had open heart surgery yesterday (no he is not overweight) he is doing well but in alot of pain he is a good man and has been a good dad please remember him in your prayers. glenda

Lori F. 22 years, 9 months ago

Dear Glenda, Thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm trying to keep positive, and praying for couraage & grace to get me through this. I read your profile, You are my inspiration... I hope I feel as great as you do and without complications. Continue on your journey with Good Health, Love & Happiness

glenda B. 22 years, 9 months ago

i tried this yesterday but i dont think it posted. 6 wk check up yesterday down 35 lbs to 214 and im sooo happy and still 0 problems. MARIE i read your dr experience and i will tell you id run not walk and find another dr. He needs our prayers. i wish you lived im miss my dr/dr amy rose has to weigh 110 soaking wet and she is the kindest, sweetest dr and has so much compassion for us. I love her!! and that is how all obesity dr.s should be plus be a top rate surg. and she was all then some. Regardless if you ever have the surg or not all people should be treated with dignity and respect (God's gonna get some folks for mistreating others). last yall im 39 and it took me a long time to learn this DONT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF and how ever anyone types here welcome it I know i do this is a serious surg and we can all definatly complain about more than typing on a man made computer. God bless and i love all my new frens here Glenda

glenda B. 22 years, 9 months ago

i had my 6 wk check up today and i was down 35 lbs so im happy. all is going great. MARIE, please find you another dr there is one out their waiting to to treat you with respect and dignity and i would run not walk to them. i wish you lived in miss my dr/dr amy rose is a very thin person but she is so kind hearted and sincere and treated with with nothing but repsect and dignity. well if i can help anyone with the little knowledge i have so far ill be glad to. God bless all pre opts waiting to have surgery. i know it can be a scary nerve wracking time, but remember THIS SHALL PASS TO glenda

lalita P. 22 years, 10 months ago

Glenda thank you for your e-mail and your prayers. Have a speedy recovery and congrratulations on your weight loss.

COLLEEN S. 22 years, 10 months ago

Hi Glenda, thank you for your kind words. I try to walk as much as I can. I've got fluid on both knees and possible cartlidge damage that will be dealt with after the surgery. I've always loved to work out but it has becaome almost impossible for any length of time anyway. We've been at Ft. Benning for a year. We came from Hawaii which up until we left there I was walking 10 miles per day. Five before my hubby went to pt and five after dinner. So I can't tell you how much I look forward to working out again. Well,I'll be sure to keep all posted about things. Take care! :-)

Cinamint 22 years, 10 months ago

Thanks Glenda for your well wishes. Wtg on the weight loss....sounds like you are doing great....keep up the good work. :)

Heidi H. 22 years, 10 months ago

Hi Glenda! Congratulations on your weight loss!! How exciting for you! I cannot wait to join you on the "other side." I wish the very best to you on a successful and continued weight loss and a very happy, healthy life!! ~Heidi

glenda B. 22 years, 10 months ago

well guys tom will be 1 month since my surg. i was gonna weigh tom but couldnt resist doing it today drum roll 27 lbs and im thrilled with that and know some people lose alot more but as long as im losing steady im fine. down to 222 Yea. You know i went back and read all my post before and after surg and let me tell you im still very emotional over them. my two angels brandi and stephanie are my friends for LIFE. my birthday was wed and at 7 am in the morning the phone was ringing it was brandi wishing me a happy birthday and beat all my family members to it. How special!! im truly blessed to have yall. I know my Lord and Saviour has been with me each step of the way and i thank him for being an Awesome God. glenda

Heidi H. 22 years, 10 months ago

Hi Glenda! I was reading the messsage board and I see you have a birthday today!!!! Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day! And congratulations on your weight loss! I can't wait to join you on the other side! ~~Heidi
About Me
brookhaven, ms
Surgery Date
Jan 03, 2001
Member Since
