JOLENE D. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Pamela, welcome to the CENTURY CLUB!! Doesn't it feel great?!! BIGGHUGGZZZZ

Karen N. 20 years, 8 months ago

You Go Pamela! CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the Century Club. I wish you continued success as you reach for your dreams.

Gingers63 20 years, 8 months ago

WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Welcome to the CENTURY CLUB!!!! I am so lucky to have you as my mom in-law!! I am so proud of you as a person and how you have handled your journey thus far. You are one of the most beautiful women I know, inside and out. Hugs!!! I love you!!!

Kate G. 21 years, 3 months ago

Pamela, thanks for reaching out to me to let me know you've had the same kind of plateaus. It's reassuring as I do find my mind occasionally saying "surely this won't be IT?!?!?" I'd LOVE to see a 10-pound drop - I'd probably faint away! Maybe tomorrow will be a little drop at least. If not, just going to keep plugging away!

vickie P. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Pam, Hope all went well and you are soon on your way to a healthier you. Best wishes.

Denise W. 21 years, 6 months ago

Pam, Congratulations on being post op!! I'm sending you my very best wishes for a great and speedy recovery. I wish you the very best for today and the days to come. May God bless you as you begin the next steps of this incredible journey...keep us posted.

Pamela C. 21 years, 6 months ago

I love my Lortab...I love my Lortab!!! I can't seem to get past this pain. But it is true what they say...each day it gets better. Better today than it was yesterday. It will be better tomorrow than it is today. I am a new loser! I can't quite get my mind around that. It seemed at first to be taking so long and then all of a sudden the time swept me along and over the edge and here I am home AFTER surgery and recovering quite nicely. I want to thank all of you who posted to my page and all of those who just thought good thoughts about me. It all helped. I will be home this week and try to go back to work half days next week. My boss will be happy to know that I am able to do that. Unfortunately, I am the only one who can do my job, so I have to be careful about when and how long I take off. I have several reports to get out next week and alot of data entry to do to get the numbers I will need. Sigh, no rest for the wicked! I am so grateful to be on the other side and am looking forward to using this tool to the best of my ability. I promise! I will follow my Dr.'s protocol to the cheating at all. I promise! Actually, I am promising this to myself and my family, so I can be here in this world and be healthy enough to participate in my life and theirs. I want to say that I signed the petition as Number 2213. I pray that all those in the process to get this surgery never give up! Those waiting for their surgery dates...keep your chin up! Those, like me, who are just recently post-op...sip sip sip, chew chew chew, walk walk walk! To those who are just pounds away from their goals...keep up all the good things you are doing and stop the bad things (and you know what they are!). Happy Thanksgiving to is truely a good season.

Gingers63 21 years, 6 months ago

Pam came home from the hospital last night and is feeling so much better. I know she read the message board last night to catch up and hopefully in a day or so, she will update you herself on how she is doing. For now though, I can tell you she is loving her liquid pain

L. Brown 21 years, 6 months ago

Pamela, Many warm wishes and prayers are being sent your way as you begin the journey to your new and healthy life! {{{HUGS}}}

Gingers63 21 years, 6 months ago

This is Ginger's husband Bob, Pam cecka's my mother Pam's surgery went well, no troubles. She was suppose to come home today, but she developed a lump at the top of her incision. She has low temp. So she didn't get to come home today. We are all a little worried, but we are all praying for her, and I ask that you all pray for her also.
About Me
Roseville, MN
Surgery Date
May 30, 2002
Member Since
