Theresa Klainer

"At first I wasn't too sure about Dr. Klainer. The next time I saw her I knew I had made the right choice. Is was very patient and understanding when I bombarded her with questions. She even encouraged me to ask more. The office staff is great!. If you ever run into any problems just call FAYE. She is awesome, and she runs the joint wether thats her postion or not. LoL Everyone made me feel so at ease. One of the nurtritionist was not very practical in her request at times but they are still very helpful. The program at the weight management center is very structured to make sure you get great care before and after surgery. I am now a week post op. I stayed in the hospital for a week due to minor (gas) problems. Dr. Klainer is the QUEEN! Everyday I thanked God that I chose her as my surgeon, She is so knowledgeable but is also able to seek advise from her collegues. She also has a very caring attitude. Thank you for being a great surgeron DR.Klainer"

Weight Management Center at St. Charles

"The staff at St. Charles are awesome. I can not say enough about how wonderful they are. I spent a week in the hospital due to minor complications and the staff there surpassed alll my expectations."
About Me
Baton Rouge, LA
Surgery Date
Feb 23, 2004
Member Since
