Sharon Neva 21 years, 6 months ago

LISA~~ YEP! You can pretty much expect more dreams like that... PLUS, you will probably take a ride on the WLS roller coaster of emotions (excited, sad, scared, anxious, depressed, impatient, etc). BUT, you will get through it (I did) FOCUS on the "why" that you made your decision to have the surgery. KEEP your thoughts positive. GIVE to others (when I give encouragement and support to others, I'm thinking of others, not myself) If you find yourself out of control- TAKE A DEEP BREATH. You will make it.

Traci A. 21 years, 7 months ago

To lisa: Girl my wings are flappin' mad and they have your name on them...I would be honored to be your angel through this journey as you have been an angel through my life..I'm so happy this has brought us back together..I love you so much and am here for you now no matter what obstacles we may face in the months ahead..You will not go through this alone Lisa.
About Me
Reading, PA
Sep 21, 2002
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