DebPKansas 22 years, 11 months ago

Wooooohoooooooo Nikki, your day is almost here, FINALLY and a bit Yahoooooozie!!! I want you to know I will be thinking of you and wishing you the very best (((((hugs))))) and smiles =))))))

Debra O. 22 years, 11 months ago

Nikki, Good Luck on your big day, after such a struggle with insurance it is finally here, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. See you on the other side.

Carol O. 22 years, 11 months ago

Dear Nikki, I wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery. You are in my thought's and my prayers. I hope your recovery is a quick and painfree one. Hugs Carolann/pre-op

Lynnie B. 22 years, 11 months ago

Nikki, Your big day is almost here! You have fought a very difficult battle with the insurance & have won. You are a fighter & survivor & will do just wonderful with your wls. You are such an asset to all of us in the CR & a very good friend! We all love you & will miss you dearly so please do hurry back to us! Remember all that you have learned & now advise others to do as well. Walk....Walk.....Walk.....& use your Spirometer as these are Sooooooo very important in the recovery as you know. This is a lifestyle change that you are about to undergo as you know. You will soon be a Postie & a Big Loser in life & it is so exciting to watch someone lose their wt & then get to their goal of being not only slender, but most importantly, healthy! Good Luck to you my friend! You will do just awesome!!!!!Lynnie
About Me
Lantana, FL
Apr 17, 2001
Member Since
