Trace Curry

"After dealing with another doc for over a year, I switched to Dr. Curry about 3 weeks ago. Dr. Curry is great, I met him for my consult last week. My problem is with Medical Mutual. Aftr a YEAR of excuses from Med Mutual (misplaced paperwork, lost psych evaluation, etc) Medical Mutual says that I don't meet the criteria for this surgery. I am 5'7 and weigh 243 (39BMI) with comorbidities..bad knees and legs. My ortho doc has written 2 letters to the insurance company saying that if I have the bariatric surgery, I will be able to avoid knee surgery/knee replacement. I have been denied again because they want a new psych evaluation, saying that the one done in December is not recent enough, yet when the psych eval was sent back in Dec, Medical Mutual lost it. Why should I have to go throught another psych eval when it was Med Mutuals fault in the first place?? And, oh yes, they say that my coverage only allows for 1 psych evaluation a year, and they will NOT cover the new exam. This has been a wasted year for me..This will be my last post ever, I am giving up on having this surgery. Medical Mutual will not cover this surgery, but if I use diet drugs, and I develop heart problems...they will cover that! Ironic isn't it? I guess I didn't play the game well enough."
About Me
cincinnati, oh
Aug 25, 2003
Member Since
