Naes Wls J. 20 years, 11 months ago

WELCOME TO THE CENTURY CLUB. you did a wonderful job. you used your tool well. keep up the good job. ~*~Hugs~*~

MommaAngel 20 years, 11 months ago

HI LAURENE Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Laurene G. 20 years, 11 months ago

Well it was my ninth month anniversary yesterday. I'm down -110lbs which puts me at 91.6% of my goal weight and gives me a 26.8 BMI. I still have problems getting in all my protein and water, but find Rocamojo/Gourmet Coffee Blend helps as well as Propel Fitness Water. I walk atleast one mile a day. Am off my C-Pap and all my diabetes meds as well as the acid reflux pill, so basically am down to taking thyroid med, psych drugs and vitamins & minerals. I feel I'm doing well, but wish I would have all that energy that so many of you say you have. Must be something to do with the psych meds?? Well I'm still happy with the results of the surgery and would definitely do it again. I finally got into size 14 designer jeans comfortably that I have had packed away since early to mid 1980's, lol. YIPPEE!!! No way was I ever going to part with a couple pair of $75. (before inflation) jeans. As far as getting a TT and boob job, I think I can pass on those. Tummy skin seems to be 'retracting' quite well and with a little bit more exercise should firm up pretty well. It's not like I'm some young chick. I am 52 and never did have a body like a 'Twiggy'. I have gone from a 46DD to a 39C and they are a little saggy but I'm not sure if I could go through another surgery, especially one I would have to pay for. haha I just wear a bra all the time now for support. Good luck to all those having surgery and have patience to all those that are in insurance limbo, it's well worth the wait! God Bless!! Lauri G from Ohio

Karen B. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hello Laurene.....I know what you mean about taking a lot out of your old body, though I am a few year years behind it took a lot out of me. More than I expected it would! I am almost six weeks out, 9/6 and I am finally starting to get some energy back. Your weight loss is astounding, WOMAN! No wonder you feel so run down! Congratulations on this accomplishment but also remember what your body has just gone through. Pamper it, love it, baby it, right now. You deserve it. Be sure to give yourself plenty of water. Get well soon. LOVE & PEACE

Sharon Neva 21 years, 7 months ago

LAURENE~~CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING IT TO THE LOSING SIDE~~ May Each New Day Find You Feeling Better.... There are so many people thinking nice thoughts about you and wishing you a quick, easy recovery

Marty W. 21 years, 7 months ago

Congratulations on your 53# weight loss! That is truly amazing!!! I totally understand about not getting in the protein. I haven't really felt like eating and when I do drink the protein shakes (yuck!), I get sick so I drink, eat Jell-O and sugar free popsicles. It has been a tough hurdle but we will make it! Hang in there!! Hugs,

James V. 21 years, 7 months ago

You hang in there. It is a tough transition. I know the feeling. I cried like a baby for the first 3 weeks. Then something WONDERFUL happened. God gave me my life back. It has been 15 months and I am so glad I did this. I know the depression is awful, get to a support group, seek attention, call upon others that have done this, find piers, friends loved ones, and for your sake seek SEEK the assistance you need. I know you will be fine, your life is new and your journey has just begun. We dread the surgery, yet it plays such a small part. The journey is now yours each day you awake with what a gift, the gift of control. You own your life again, You will make the right choices, and you will SUCCEED!!!!!!

Laurene G. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi There Folks! I know my posts are few and far between and I'm sorry about it. So far have lost 53lbs since I was released from the hospital on 9-17-02 (yes, I hear you cheering for me Jim V! <smile> ). Having trouble ingesting all the protein and liquids that I am supposed to daily. Just doing the best I can. Spoke with nutritionist and she said that I can plan on feeling crappy like this for about 8 weeks, each day I'll feel better. Guess I didn't think it would be this hard on my 51 year old body. lol Having problems with my depression, etc. so will have to talk to Dr. Fallon about a change, as shrink put me on liquid meds and then took me off them as I don't seem to be tolerating them too well. Haven't seen Dr. Fallon since before I was released from hospital as his schedule keeps him cancelling 'surgery clinic' appointments. Hopefully he'll be able to keep his hours on the 14th. Keeping all you pre-ops and post-ops in my prayers daily. Lauri from OH

kelli6 21 years, 8 months ago

Laurene, I am so glad to hear things a going well for you. I pray the Lord will watch over you and you will continually improve.

Laurene G. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi there folks!! I finally made it to the other side!! Been home since the 17th. I'm 10 days out and -26 lbs. (most of it water weight). Still taking it pretty easy. Get my staples out on the 23rd at my first follow-up appt w/Dr. Fallon. Was sort of a rough way to go while in the hospital as they took me off ALL my meds cold turkey and now can only take those that are crushable (YUCK!), so i'm getting back 'in the groove'. Thank goodness for my dear fiance, what an angel he has been throughout this whole deal!! Although I wanted to 'die' while in the hospital inspite of the morphine PCA, with the lack of meds and having the NG tube in for 6 days, would I do it again??? YOU BETCHA!!! Good luck to all those having their surgeries scheduled this coming week, to those waiting for approval, etc. hang in there, it's worth it! Lauri from OH
About Me
Olmsted Falls, OH
Surgery Date
Mar 04, 2002
Member Since
