Katherine M. 21 years, 3 months ago

Hi Cindy, You've done great! And look great! I had surgery 9/12 and I've lost 62 since surgery plus 27 the month before on the infamous skim milk diet so down 89! I bought a great trike to exercise; it is a semi-recumbant style and I also do water aerobics. My mom had a lumbar fusion and I know how much pain you must be in. Everyday you will get better! Cheers! Katherine

MommaAngel 21 years, 3 months ago

HI CINDY Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Cindy G. 21 years, 3 months ago

February 22, 2003 After another 3 1/2 week plateau I finally dropped again.... Maybe there is hope. You would think after 5 months of this that I would have quit getting depressed when I sit still for weeks but I still have to remind myself that this seems to be how my body works. I am down 95 pounds! I had convinced myself that there was no way I could hit 100 pounds by my 6 month checkup on the 4th of March but, unless I am stuck for another 3 1/2 weeks (which is very possible), I might make it yet! For all you plateau-ers out there... hang in there! This surgery is still the best thing I have ever done for myself!!! Keep working, Cindy

Cindy G. 21 years, 4 months ago

Wow! I got on the scale this morning for the big plateau depression and it said 179!!! Down 4 lbs in the last 4 days. I had about given up... I decided maybe I wasn't eating enough after reading about a zillion posts here last week so I upped my water AGAIN! To about 70 oz per day and added 3 protein drinks to my 3 protein meals and cut carbs back to almost nothing and wham! It worked! At least for this week. I hope it keeps it up... I am almost 5 months out so I was afraid I was really slowing down. What a boost. Hope this might help some of you other plateau-ers like myself. Have a GREAT DAY!!! Cindy

stephanie Y. 21 years, 4 months ago

Cindy, you are not experiencing anything unusual. In fact, many spouses feel insecure when their loved one's loses a lot of weight (will he/she still love me? etc). In fact, the divorce rate after WLS is about 80%. Help your husband feel secure and loved and everything should be just fine.

Cindy G. 21 years, 4 months ago

January 17,2003. I haven't updated in a long time. Besides the holidays, I have had 2 children get married and lost a total of 78 pounds. I am still plateauing every few pounds. Is that normal? I wish it would come off faster but maybe my skin will catch up with my fat... I am getting more compliments and feeling like a fake cause I am not loosing... Seems so silly after loosing 78 pounds but I still feel fat and want the rest off... I still have no patience. Oh well, I guess that part of me will never change..Have a good week, or month... til I can post again. I have tried to post some pictures... we will see if I have figured out that part of this site... Cindy

Cindy G. 21 years, 7 months ago

Nov. 10.02 Wow I went to visit my daughter this weekend and forgot all my pants so... rats, I had to buy some new ones!!! I was wearing a 26-28 and I decided to try the next size down... TOO BIG! So I went to an 18 and it is still a little loose but comfortable. I was so surprized. Can't do that with my blouses yet but I am in to some old ones. Maybe next time I go visiting I will have to leave the shirts home ;) Just wanted to say that even though the pounds are not dropping at the moment evidently the inches are. What a nice surprise!!! Everyone have a good week! Cindy

Cindy G. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi all, I hit -50 today!!! What a surprise. I have been plateauing about every 10 pounds and have been frustrated with it because I want it all now!!! My son got married on Saturday after giving me 6 days warning... We made it, but I was slightly stressed! I thought I should have lost double for that time... :) We had pictures taken, of course, and I wasn't very happy with how I looked. I wore a smaller dress and, mind you, I still have another 70 pounds to go. I wasn't very happy with the pictures when we got them back. I still looked pretty BIG. When I showed the "before" and "now, at the wedding" pictures to my brother today, he (who is one of my staunchest supporters) told me, "Now don't take this wrong but I can see the real Cindy coming back out" I didn't take it wrong. What a compliment for a tired frustrated woman who is almost halfway there! I was excited! Patience is not one of my virtues!!!

Cindy G. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi. Thanks to all who supported me before my surgery. I have had a hard time figuring out this site so hope this will go out on the message board. I had an open RNY on 9/9/02. I went quickly down 37 lbs and then got stuck! I have been sitting here for 4 weeks! It is terribly frustrating but I keep hoping it will take off again SOON! I am back at work as of the 17th of this month. I eased in with a seminar for 2 days instead of going right back into the trenches. I hope that helped. I have a couple of questions if anyone has some advice... I am still having trouble with energy. I was hoping to find that I could do much more even without 37 lbs... Does anyone have any suggestions? Also, I got a small incisional infection which they treated with Keflex and it is healing but I suspect it was from a seroma and now every once in a while when I move to get up in the morning or stand up fast, I get a burning sharp pain in my lower abdomen, way below my surgery. In fact it is down where they put those awful heparin shots. I wondered if anyone else has had that??? It goes away in a minute and sometimes doesn't happen at all but it makes me nervous! Any suggestions? Thanks for your help and support. Even though I haven't figured out how to post, I have read and read and learned a lot on your site. Good luck everyone, Cindy

myunicorn48 21 years, 9 months ago

Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy, uneventful recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless...
About Me
Goshen, UT
Surgery Date
Aug 10, 2002
Member Since
