Mark Johnson

"I met Dr. Johnson at a monthly support meeting. I felt like he was very personable and supportive of his patients. After I had my consultation with him my first impression didn't even begin to cover what a kind human beging and incredible physician/surgeon he is. His staff is wonderful, and very supportive. They stress the importance of a long term patient relationship to make sure this surgery is a success and in doing their part make you feel succesful also. During my initial consult w/Dr. Mark he spoke to me about the risk & benefits of wls. He emphasized that wls is a tool and I had to work at weightloss. I appreciated his honesty. I would give Dr. Mark Johnson & his incredible staff an A++. I would encourage anyone thinking about wls to see Dr. Johnson. "

Mon(ongalia) General

"I felt the nurses were always so busy taking care of the large # of patients there were assigned to. They weren't able to help me walk and they didn't like to use the new bariatric beds. They didn't know how to use them, but have since had an inservice to learn how. My nurses were caring and compassionate, but they were definitely overworked. "
About Me
Fairmont, WV
Surgery Date
May 20, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
White shirt 4 days pre-op Blue Sweater- 3 months post op Cream shirt 9 months post op
378 :o (lbs
One year down 175 lbs. Black outfit- 17 months out. Feeling fantastic
