Denise W. 23 years ago

Angel report on Lynn Gomez, she went through surgery fine with no problems the doctor did however find 2 unexpected things wrong, he had to repair a heital hernia and he also found a mass the size of a tennis ball on her ovary and since she has a history of cancer he removed it and said he did not believe it to be cancerous, Thank God and Dr.B for her having this surgery otherwise she might have not known it was there until it was to late,she is resting comfortably she is having some pain and she did get up to go to the bathroom and had no problems at all as a matter of fact she said it felt better to be up than lying down i just called and checked on her again and she was sitting up getting a breathing treatment and doing fine,Dr.B did say she would probably be in the hospital 6 days so please keep her in your prayers.

dodoheead 23 years ago

WooHoo!!!!! Best wishes to you!!!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery, I will stop in and see you Mon. I'll be there Tues for sure:) HUGS!!! Linda

AngelNTx65 23 years ago

Well Lynn your time is almost here and I know you are excited!You will do fine and feel so much better for it.I'll see you on the other side! Take care and keep us posted~Kim

Denise W. 23 years ago

Lynn, I am so excited for you!!!Its almost time for your new life to begin and noone deserves it more than you, I cant wait for us both to be "on the other side" and have wonderful new beginnings..Congratulations and Lots of luck!! Love ya..

KG B. 23 years ago

Lynn, best wishes for your upcoming surgery. I had mine six months ago, and I have never had a single regret. Fortunately, the nervousness is over with when you wake up in the recovery room to your new life.

Nancy C. 23 years ago

Lynn, Good luck to you ..........I too am excited and scared. I share your surgery date. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that all goes well and a speedy recovery. Nancy

dodoheead 23 years, 1 month ago

YOU GO GIRL!! Best of luck to you, let me know if Dr. B, hurts ya.. LOL I am right behind you. My prayers are with you now, and will be when it's your turn:) HUGZ, Linda
About Me
Venus, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 13, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Stuffing my face
Look at me now!!
