kylakae 22 years, 2 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="106" height="130"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#003399">Happy re-Birthday to the beautiful, Christi Gaither!! (Check out her picture) Its been one terrific year since her WLS. Congratulations, Christi, on your awesome weight loss! I hope you are feeling as great as you look.. Please stop by and update your profile and share your reflections on being one year post-op!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Tammy B. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hey girly. You know me!! I just wanted to say that you look great and I have been checking into Dr Wongsa. I have heard a lot about him and you just helped even more seeing as though I know you and have seen you!! Email me whenever at [email protected]! C-ya woman... God Bless You and the family.

kylakae 22 years, 5 months ago

Christi, girl, you are melting away on us! I have a feeling the doctor will tell you to eat more and up your calories. Good luck with your doctors visit. In the meantime please tell me what you are eating! *grin* I need to do better! *hugs*

kylakae 22 years, 5 months ago

Christi, I just noticed your latest picture! You look gorgeous! Any news on Julie? Did she end up having surgery or not?

Christi G. 23 years, 2 months ago

Hello to all my new friends here at AMOS. I made it home yesterday and I'm starting to feel much better from the gas pain that I had in the hospital. I wanted to make a special thank you to my angel Patti Lewis for coming to see me in the hospital and for her gift of the beautiful smelling Lotion and soap. I also wanted to give a huge thanks to all of those who emailed me there wonderful prayers and those who posted them on my surgery page. The power of prayer is AWESOME! Just after my surgery was over the nurse in the OR was amazed at how alert I was and how I just moved my self to my bed from the OR table. Of course, I can barely remember it, but I do remember the whole way to my room she and the guy who was helping her push me saying that I was the best patient they've seen. The guy kept calling me "the chosen one!" which I thought was kind of funny. He said it over and over and then once again when we got to my room which ended up being a private room. I thought I was going to have to share a room because I heard that you have to pay extra for a private room and I didn't have the extra money. I told them that I had nothing to do with everything going so well, it was just answered prayers and my Heavenly Father coming through once again. The nurse said it had to be some inner strength too, but all I could remember thinking was "That IS my inner strength!" My husband told me that Dr Wongsa said that things couldn't have gone better and he couln't have asked for a smoother procedure. I know this is long, but I think it is important for everyone to know how much their prayers DO help. I am trully blessed to have found this web site before having this surgery and I send a HUGE HUG to all of those who took the time to pray for me and stand on THE WORD that everything would go ok. I am ever so greatful and will keep everyone posted on my progress. Best wishes and prayers to all of those waiting for approval and to those who will be having surgery soon. God Bless!

Patricia L. 23 years, 2 months ago

Hello everyone that loves Christi. I visited her in the hospital today, 2nd day post op. She looks wonderful. She is feeling some discomfort from gas. While I was with her she got up and walked around the floor two times. She is still consuming only liquids but will have some solid food tomorrow. We talked about alot of things. Now that she is passed her surgery, successfully we need to continue to keep her and her family in our prayers.

Ronda L. 23 years, 2 months ago

Good Luck Christi !!!!! Cant wait to hear an update Ronda Gaither

smedley200 23 years, 2 months ago

I will be thinking of you today and pray that everything goes wonderful on your trip to your new life! I am so excited for you! Take care and I look forward to seeing after pictures in a few months! Hopefully by then I will be a postie too!

mlpadilla 23 years, 2 months ago

Hi Christie...I will be thinking of you through out the day! I hope all goes well with you. I can't wait to hear how everything goes. Good luck and God Bless!!! Melanie P.

Katherin B. 23 years, 2 months ago

Hi Christi, Best of luck tomorrow. God will be with you as will my prayers. Keep us posted on your progress. Many wishes, Katherin B.
About Me
Houston, Tx
Surgery Date
Jun 28, 2000
Member Since
