Carl Rosati

"Dr. Rosati is great. I had my first appointment with him today. Like most have said, he starts with a small group discussion first, then you meet with him individually. During the group session, he goes through the good, the bad and the bad again. He wants you to understand that this is a serious procedure and should not be taken lightly. He went through risks from death to failure. He wants you to understand why it is important to lose the 10% prior to surgery. His biggest concern is heart attacks/strokes and blood clots. Then he briefly goes through the hospital stay and care. He does not pull any punches. The one on one session allowed him to go through more of your personal history and if you have any questions for him. Then he said when would you want to do this! So we went out to the desk and scheduled a date. "
About Me
Stormville, NY
Jun 03, 2002
Member Since
