Jane H. 21 years ago

6/12/03 -- Well Jane's surgery went great!! She was in and out in a little over an hour and a half, and all the surgeons raved about how well she did with everything! (Great spirit helps out the healing process!!) Her first 24 hours were a little rough with some pain but all in all she has done wonderfully. I am so proud to be married to such a wonderful and strong woman, I love you scrubbie, and I look forward to growing old with you. Happy Rebirthday my love!! Bub

Kristin H. 21 years ago

I saw Jane, and she looks great! Alert, lots of color in her cheeks, and she's moving her feet every moment she's in bed. The anaesthesiologist came in while I was visiting, and just beamed about what a great patient Jane was; she fell asleep easily, woke up easily, and her pain is well managed. They'd given her the option to go home tonight (unbelievable!) but she's going to do the wise thing (I think) and stay another night. Her barium test went well; no leaks, and she's holding down her liquids. Onward and upward, sister! : )

Kristin H. 21 years ago

As you would expect, last night was tough for Jane, and she wasn't up for visitors. She just wanted to SLEEP! I'm going to see her today (I can't get in there 'til visiting hours start at noon), and will update when there's more to tell.

Kristin H. 21 years ago

Just heard from Jane's husband Scott. In surgery for just over an hour, and sailed right through it. She's doing really well, is in recovery, and I'll post another update tonight when I see her. Yeah Jane! You go girl!

s W. 21 years ago

just wanted to wish you well in your journey! god bless

tracy W. 21 years ago

In all things Remember,that the one above loves you,that He holds us all in his loving arms,He knows each of us by name.He said anything you ask for in "my name" will be given to you.So in His name I pray for you,that you be given strength, endurance,love,peace and most of all long life.In Jesus' name. When you wake up and see the faces of your loved ones in the recovery room,know that you have made it.Thank Him,Know that you have been blessed to see and to live out the rest of your days with the ones you love and the ones who love you.....Knowing that He loves you too. Happy soon to be ReBirthday.

Darlene H. 21 years ago

Jane Good luck on your surgery, may everything go smoothly for you!! God Speed.

paulsgirl 21 years ago

Jane, wishing you a speedy and peaceful recovery !!!!!!!!!!!!1

summewe 21 years ago

Jane - Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

maureen 21 years ago

Jane WOW! your big day is almost here.... I know you are excited and a bit nervous about now.... I sure remember those feelings..... don't worry they are normal feelings about this stage of the journey.... I am praying for your safe journey and a speedy recovery. keep the faith hugs and God Bless Maureen
About Me
Cincinnati, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2003
Member Since
