Perfect Zero Carb

"At this price it is very expensive. I have found a website where it is $31.00. I would give it a much higher review at that price."

Andrew Hargroder

"I went through the Images program at and found him. Dr. Hargroder was great. He explanined everything and checked up on me everyday post-op. The Images program was perfect. They paid for my round trip air fair from Missouri to New Orleans where I was met with a driver and car. I was taken to Nottoway Plantation where I had a room for the three days pre-op. The room and all meals were paid by images. I had a driver and a stretch limo for trips from the Plantation to the hospital and any other errands I needed. My meals were also paid for. I had a lot of pain the first two days after surgery but it was managed. The whole staff at River West Medical Center was great. I don't have one complaint. The airplane trip was a little rough but no pain, just mainly dizzyness. I am now 9 days post-op and I am home with absolutely no pain. I get a little weak and lightheaded when I walk but I still don't have all my strength back yet. I have lost 25 lbs so far. I would highly recommend them to anyone. I will keep everyone posted or you can e-mail me with any questions."
About Me
Columbia, Mo
Surgery Date
Mar 29, 2001
Member Since
