Patrick Coates

"Dr.Coates is amazing! He answered every question that I had on my (4 pages) list! He even copied them for future patients! His bed side manner was great! He even took the time to explain everything to my mom. Which made her more at ease!~ The staff is wonderful! Josette you ROCK! She helped me fly through what I needed! Thank Girl!~ Dr.Coates had explained that he was going to try very hard to do LAP RNY. However, I was ok with having open due to the prior surgeries I have had. ~ Four hours later, I woke up and I looked down to find these tiny little scars! He did LAP!! He had to reroute and few things differently due to my intestines had shifted. I had my spleen removed in 99. So my intestines had shifted to where my spleen once was. It was difficult for Dr. Coates. Yet, he was bound and determined to give me LAP! :-) I give him and his staff an 8!!!"
About Me
Corning, CA
Oct 07, 2002
Member Since
