United Regional Healthcare Systems Duplicate

"After surgery, immediately post-op, I was in horrific pain. After 7 surgeries I know the difference between uncomfortable and severe pain. I kept telling the recovery nurse how bad I was hurting. She kept telling me that I was getting plenty of pain meds. After about another 1/2 hour she noticed a puddle pouring out under my bed. To make a long story short, those were my pain meds on the floor. My IV had broke and they were pouring out on the floor. I just think that nurse could have listened to a veteran patient like me and realized that something was wrong. The nurses had a real bad habit of coming in my room, looking around and slamming the door. It was awful. At first they had me in a shared room with a woman who screamed 24/7. She kept screaming at my husband and calling him a coward (she thought he was her grandson). Then she would threaten to kill herself and scream BANG!. It was awful. I realize that this is not the hospitals fault, but they could have moved me long before I was sleep deprived and the doctor forced them to move me."

Kenneth M.R. Warnock

"1/30/02 Today I met the man they call an "Angel in Cowboy Boots". He was wearing cowboy boots. He was a very nice man and he explained everything to us in great detail. I'll let you know more when I go back and see him after my insurance approves it. It just happened so quick. I had already made up my mind that I was going to have this done, but I had come prepared with records, letters, the whole 9 yards. They didn't want any of that yet. I am so ready and prepared for this, I wish they had started the insurance approval when I made my appointment 3 weeks ago. I know that is not how it works, and I am glad that I have this started now. I feel that Dr. Warnock is the right surgeon for me. <br> <br> 4/20/02 I was finally approved for surgery. I am scheduled for 5/15/02. Just want to thank Dr. Warnock's staff for putting up with me. 6/9/02 Dr. Warnock did a super job. I feel fantastic. My incision healed beautifully and it's a perfectly straight line. He was so nice to me. "
About Me
Ardmore, OK
Surgery Date
Jan 03, 2002
Member Since
