Mary H. 22 years ago

Okay Angelette abd Debbie...How are you both doing now....No post for awhile........To a former Edgefield Coumty and Augusta,,,,Girl...Lets here it...I'am having surgery 5/24/02.....So tell me really how we are?? Mary

Tammy B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone! Just an update on Debbi. Recieved an e-mail from her and she seems to be doing okay. I have included it below. If you have any suggestions on how she can get her fluids in, please mail her. You guys are the best. XOXO-Tammy <BR> <BR> Hello All, Hope this finds you all well. I'm sending 1 email because it's very uncomfortable at my computer and I can't sit here very long at all. Dr. took out 1/2 the staples - 24. Feels better but still hurts like a WOOLEY BOOGER !!! He says I'm dehydrated and I need to drink more, told me to eat scrambled egg. Have had no problems eating one. Have had several plus a little fish (didn't taste so good), grits, yogurt. Having a hard time finding anything that tastes very good. Crystal light, sf kool aid, tea, water, sparkling water - none taste very good for very long. Any one with any ideas? Oh yeah and the main thing - I lost 22 lbs.! I was quite happy. This seems to be about average for my Drs. I'll try to write again when I can last in this chair. Love to ALL, Debbi

Tammy B. 22 years, 1 month ago

***UPDATE*** Just wanted to let everyone know that I spoke with Debbi today and she sounded really great. She is getting around much better. Not in a lot of pain and sounded like her old bubbly self. WTG Debbi. I'm so proud of her. She's a trooper!! XOXO-Tammy

DivaDee 22 years, 1 month ago

Debbi So good to hear that you are doing so of luck to you and may you have a safe and speedy recovery aloha

Tammy B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hello Everyone!! Angel coming in for a "tired" flight. I went myself to the doctor today and while I was there stopped over at the hospital and visited with my dear Angelette, Debbi. She looked terrific! She had already had her NG tube out and was sipping on some water. I took all of your well wishes and she was so happy that so many people care about her! The doctor told her that she could go home tomorrow, Friday, if she wanted, but she said she will probably stay another day. She is doing so good, and I'm so proud of her for going through with this and being a real trooper. She said that her pain was under control and that honestly she wasn't in a lot of pain. WONDERFUL! I will update again when I talk to her when she gets home. Thank you everyone, you guys and gals are the best. God Bless Everyone, in what ever stage of your journey your are in!! XOXO Tammy

Cheryl_J 22 years, 1 month ago

Hoping everything goes well and I will be praying for you...

Deanna Wise 22 years, 1 month ago

wishing you a speedy and full recovery...

Tiffany Jo W. 22 years, 1 month ago

Good luck Debbie...may you have a speedy recovery and angels watching over you at all times!

Dorothy B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Debbi; Congratulations on taking control of this part of your life!! GOD bless you and hold you in the palm of HIS hand and grant you a safe surgery and speedy recovery!! (((((HUGS)))))

Lisa B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hi Debbi congrats on your surgery and soon you'll be on the other side girl ,We will be praying for you.....God Bless you
About Me
Beech Island, SC
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2001
Member Since
