Shockpin Chungfat

"Dr. Chung is the most honest and so compassionate doctor I have ever met. His patient well being is the most important thing. I like a doctor that will tell you what to expect from a surgery and after care, and will take time to explain any questions you have. He offered lap ban and gastric bypass and the decision is up to the patient,he will not make up your mind,that has to be your decision. He will tell you about both serjury's but he will not sway one sergury over the other. I felt I could talk freely to him the very first time I met him and I still feel that way today. I had surgery 12/28/04 and I still fell that way today. I thanked him for a second chance at life the day after my gastric by pass surgery, he is so up beet he makes you feel wonderful. His aftercare is just fantastic, 24/7 phone line to his staff and they will get you the help or answer you need. I recomend any one to attend one of his support group meetings he has because he is allways there. We are like a big family. I just can not say enegouph about him. Feel free to call me if you have a question. He will FUSS at you if you do not take your vitamens and follow his orders. "

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About Me
Vinton, La
Dec 16, 2002
Member Since
