threej 19 years, 9 months ago

Girl- You know how excited and happy I am for you. You have made a commitment and finally you are rewarded with your surgical date. Do not stress everything will be fine because I know that GOD has your back. I will be praying for you and I will make "Mami" light a candle in your name and say a special prayer I swear "Mami" has a direct line to God's office. I also feel the need to say that as the former President of "The Daughters of Virgin Mary" you will survive having NO SEX for six weeks, you freak (ha,ha,ha). Girl you know I love you. Congrats Again! Frances

belovedwun 19 years, 9 months ago

Hi Marcia I just want to wish you all the best on your upcoming surgery, everything is in God's hands you will do fine, I will be praying for you, a safe journey and a speedy recovery.I can't wait to see you on the other side. God Bless.

Frvsnt O. 19 years, 9 months ago

Congratulations on your surgery date! I have some Zen Wisdom for you - Nothing exists but momentarily...One thing flows into another...observe things as they are, let everything go as it goes. This is to put everything under control in its widest sense. --- May God keep you close to his side as you travel your new journey. You will have ups and downs. You can always turn to us, your AMOS family, we will give support, comfort and encouragement. You will find this will be the best thing you could ever have done for yourself as well as your family. I know that was true for me. Keep us posted when you reach the "other" side. I pray for a speedy and easy recovery for you. Don’t forget to update your profile at least monthly. We all like to see how we are doing!!! Make sure you take pictures. It’s great to see the new you emerge!!! Not to mention the look on YOUR face when you look at those pictures and compare them in a few months! It’ll be a BIG WOW!!! Please remember too, that this is a *tool* to use. Make sure you use it wisely. The first year it’s pretty easy, after that I’ve been hearing (I’m not speaking from experience as I’m not a year out yet) that it gets increasingly difficult. Choose the right foods and measurements wisely! Good luck and God Bless!!! RNY 10/31/03 down 118 pounds– I’M AT GOAL!!! Posted in Loving Memory of Paula – Momma Angel who passed away 6/10/04 (Note Momma did not pass away from anything related to WLS – she had not had it)

iuz2befat 19 years, 9 months ago

Marcia I am honored to be you angel thanks for asking, I just wanted to say a few words to you and here is something I think you should remember at this time in your life.~~~~~PRAYER MOVES MOUNTAINS!~~~~~~ Prayer is the answer to every problem in life. It puts us in tune with divine wisdom which knows how to adjust everything perfectly. So often we do not pray in certain situations, because from our standpoint the outlook is hopeless. But, nothing is impossible with god. Nothing is so entangled that it cannot be remedied; no human relationship is too strained for god to bring about reconciliation and understanding; no habit so deep rooted that it cannot be overcome; no one is so weak that he cannot be strong; no one is so ill that he cannot be healed. No mind is so dull that it cannot be made brilliant. Whatever we need, if we trust god, he will supply it. If anything is causing worry or anxiety, let us stop rehearsing the difficulty and trust god for healing, love, and power.~~~thinking of you my angelette. ~~~~Christine

Minx911 19 years, 9 months ago

Hi Marcia, I told you that Dr Macura's would take care of everything. You not only heard from the insurance company but you got your date, congratulations, and know that GOD is in charge and all is well. PEGGY CHANCE

mom2all3 19 years, 9 months ago

Girl you will be in my prayers for a quick and speedy recovery. GOD has HIS hand over all of us, protecting and making the desires of our hearts come true!! Thanks for being there for support, we should all meet at Victorias for some serious underwear buying!! TO BE CONTINUED!!!! God Bless ~~Pam

Renee H. 19 years, 9 months ago

Marcia, like we have discussed earlier....No accidents/No mistakes, Mama. We all came together the way we did for a, more specifically, for a purpose! I am so very very happy for you. I'm wishing the very best for you. Praying, rejoicing, oh....the whole nine, baby girl. Stepping up to another level on our continuum and we will all be fine because we are putting it out there like that and we believe in something more powerful than man as well. Girl, we will be Winning Losers in less that a month!!!! YES!!! God bless and protect you always.

iuz2befat 19 years, 9 months ago

Congratulations Marcia you are now on your way to the losing side. My thoughts and prayers are with you, I will be sending well wishes your way. Hope you have a successful surgery and speedy recovery.~~~Christine

msmercyme 19 years, 9 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS BABY GIRL.. You finally got your date.. AUGUST 30th.. I am so very happy and proud for you.. You deserve it. I am here for you no matter what.. I will support you in your journey. Watch out Ms. Marcia is starting a new LIFE. You are in my daily prayers and will pray to God that you come out great. Now get real and notice that soon you will not be having Sex for 6 weeks.. Is okay join me in the drout.. lol.. Love ya baby girl.. I am so proud of you.. You go Ms. Thing..

Alice W. 19 years, 10 months ago

Hello Marcia~~~~Wishing you all the very best on your Journey!!! ~~~~You're Not Going That Way~~~~~ As you travel through life, there are times when decisions just have to be made. When all you can do is gather your courage and choose a direction that carries you toward a new dawn. So take a step forward. The process of change can be tough but think about the excitement ahead. There could be adventures you never imagined and wishes and dreams just about to come true. So keep putting one foot in front of the other and taking your life day by day. There's a brighter tomorrow just down the road. Don't look back-- you're not going that way! Please stop by the New York message board and let eveyone know how you are doing and say Hello!! You will find alot of great info and support!!
About Me
Brooklyn, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2004
Member Since
