Matt Bosquez

"<P> I have decided that if my insurance company, Cigna, OK's my application I will use Dr. Bosquez as my surgeon. As well as competent, he proved to be totally DELIGHTFUL, just as everyone on this site has stated.<p> I met Dr. B on Monday, January 3,'03 at his monthly support group meeting. From the time he walked in he was charming,FRIENDLY-FRIENDLY ALL NIGHT-and made me feel that he was glad that I was there by introducing himself to me. The evening's program was formatted around The Newly Wed Game, and took preparation on his part. I was suprised to see that he would take so much time to insure the pleasure of his patients,and non-patients, as well, after working hours.<p> I have yet to meet his staff. Did meet people that work on the monthly Newsletter.<p> I, first, met with Gorospe and his staff several weeks ago, during their Wednesday group meeting. It was so crowded, but they were all very nice. Dr. G, like Dr. B, seemed to care, very much, about the plight of the obese. But, based on my personal contact with both men, and also on the comments from others on the site about after-care, I believe that Dr. B is the man for me.<P> If, I understand correctly, Dr. G assisted Dr. Bosquez in his early experience with RNY and then they both learned Lap RNY at different times. Dr. B, at some point, opened his own practice. While his practice is still in its infancy, it would be a good idea, in my opinion, to take advantage of the extra time that Dr. B is able to spend with his patients pre-/post op.<P> Went to the meeting that Dr. Bosquez's has when he interviews and educates prospective new patients. His group was very small in comparison to others. This allowed him to be all but "one on one" with us. In group setting we could ask and have answered any question that we dare ask in audience with other patients. When group education was finished, he interviewed each of us, individually. He wanted to know why I chose him over his trainer. I explained that my Internist had explained that most problems arise during the "aftercare" stage, and all of the profiles that I had read made it quite clear that his was the best of the two. That means fewer problems going undetected. That's important to me.~~2/21/03<P> I have come to know the ladies that staff the office of Dr. Bosquez. They are very friendly, helpful, and honest about your chances of being accepted by the insurance company without being able to provide all of the criteria. That is a little depressing, but honesty is the best policy, huh? Hopefully, all of the hard work accumulating what I can will be rewarded.<p> I turned out to be right about my files. My PCP still has not gotten them back. They actually turned me over to another doctor, even though I told them that I was not changing docs. I've been waiting about 3 weeks now, believing promises made, all the while the doctor and his nurse, Misty, didn't have a clue who I was: "Have you ever come to see Dr. Farish," Misty asked me. I couldn't believe it--she and I talk all of the time; she saves samples for me! Waiting for them now.<p> The internist,Dr. Barton, has written a really great Letter of Necessity, considering I've only seen her twice. I hope that my PCP will read my file throughly enough to remember all of the things that he has treated me for so that he can write an even better letter than she did. His letter should clinch it if he doesn't flake out on me.~Phyllis Moore~March 20, 2003<p>"
About Me
Tulsa, OK
Jan 01, 2003
Member Since
