Edward Felix

"My first impression of Dr. Felix was that he's pretty much all business. He wasn't rigid though. Has a good sense of humor. But the visit was a little hurried. So I was a little off balance but I knew there would be time later on in the process to address any questions I might have. I had thoroughly researched the surgical procedure so really didn't have any questions. He jokingly told me that I would either love him or hate him. I think I'll probably love him. Even though he was a little hurried, he seemed quite capable and experienced. He seemed confident that, considering my physical problems, I'd make a good candidate for the procedure. He comes highly recommended so I am definitely inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt until I get to know him better myself. 1/6/01 I've had two post op visits and Dr. Felix is great. I love his humor and was pleased to see his office flooded with happy patients although it made my wait a little longer. But we made the best of it. We had our own little impromptu support group gathering right there in the waiting room. I met so many nice gals and had a great time comparing notes with them. Everyone had nothing but nice things to say about Felix so I wasn't the only happy camper in the bunch. If you haven't found a surgeon yet and you are in the Fresno area.....I would highly recommend Dr. Edward Felix. His support staff is wonderful....especially Rosemary who is highly accessible when you need her. And the best part is you won't have to wait six months just to get into their seminar let alone get approved and be assigned a surgery date. But at the rate his popularity is growing, I don't know how long you'll be able to count on that either. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'll give him a 9 even though he whisks you through your office visit pretty quickly so you had better have questions on the tip of your tongue. To be fair, I know he would take as much time as he needed to answer all my questions if I had any. I'm glad he's helping so many others to find the way back from obesity. "
About Me
Cameron Park, Ca
Surgery Date
Sep 29, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Me and Mom...before WLS
143 lbs gone forever and feeling good
