Ruth DiPietrantonio

"Dr KiPietrantonio made me feel very comfortable with the surgery and the whole dietary process she wants me to loose weight before sugery and gave me some excellent handouts as guidelines"

Stephen G Rudin

"Dr. Rudin was very comfortable with me, great sense of humor, I believe I was of a rare find to what he's normally use to...but he' was great.."

Lisa Ferzoco

"Dr Ferzoco, is very pleasant, she explains the proceedure very well, you dont feel like a common fat person looking for an easy way out with here.... She knows alot about the RNY proceedure, I repect her ability to perform this surgery...."

Mark Wagner

"The office staff along with Dr Wagner are very comfortable."
About Me
Randolph, Ma
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2002
Member Since
