Robert Rutledge

"MY first immpression of Dr. R was a good one. My husband went with me for the 1st clinical visit. This lasts about 4 hours and you are with other patients who are either learning about the surgery, getting ready to have the surgery or just had the surgery. Dr. R is very thourough with his information and he wants to make sure you are aware of all the risks. His technique is done LAP and he usually has his patients going home within two days. The surgery takes about 30-60 minutes average time and no drains, NG tubes or Foleys. Right now I am waiting insurance approval. My husband was equally impressed with the doc and had a lot of good questions for him. He does not rush the one on one you will have with him. He wants to make sure you feel good about the procedure. You have to complete a 12 step process before he will operate and you must meet all of the criteria. He has a very stringent after care policy and he will e-mail you right back if you have any questions. Some of the patients I talked with said he will call you day and night to check on you and you can call him anytime as well."
About Me
Mooresville, NC
Feb 07, 2000
Member Since
