Latham Flanagan

"We finally got to meet with Dr. Flanagan, it took Kaiser a month to get my records to him, but that's another story. Ive read that Dr. Flanagan is gruff, and not very warm...and I can see why these things were said, but I disagree. He is just very outspoken, and passionate about good health and stopping obesity. He spent over 4 hours with us, and I feel very confident, and glad that he will be doing the surgery. Since we are self-paying, Kaiser wont do it, we tried...its just excluded, period, from our service plan. I was saying, that Dr. Flanagan is considerate of finances. He wants to see us get this done. The hosp. there will give a 10% refund if paid up front, and if the doctor also gives a discount. Dr. Flanagan gave us a generous, higher than thought discount, and promises to try and get me out of there as soon as I am able. !! (I know, he's not God) This is all my opinion, and certainly varies from person to person Anyway, the whole group of people, staff, was so helpful, and patient, and seemed happy for me! His practice is the "Oregon Center for Bariatric Surgery" in Eugene, Or. "
About Me
Vancouver, wa
Jun 23, 2003
Member Since
