Zero Carb Premixed/Prebottled

"Isopure has been a life saver in trying to get all my protein in on a daily basis. Each bottle has 40 grms. of protein. No Carbs, No sugar, wonderful source. i wish the price was lower as anyone would. "

Jupiter Medical Center

"The hospital is beautiful, it's clean, the volunteers are wonderful but the staff have a real attitude problem. From the information desk to the floor nurses. It's an overall attitude that they don't even try to hide. They talk openly about it not being their job. There is resentment between the staff. It took me 2.5 days to get someone to help me take a shower. I used the nurse call button and I might as well have thrown it away. I never used it for anything unneccessary. It was just an attitude they were overwhelmed, over worked and under paid. It's not the hospital it was many key staff people. yet some of the staff were excellent. "

Jefferson Vaughan

"I was shocked, when Dr. Vaughan first walked into the room, My mouth dropped open. I had to laugh at myself. Because I expected Dr. Vaughan to be older than he is. He has a twinkle in his eyes, that represent humor. But he also has a very serious side that shouts "CONFIDENCE". He was very easy to talk to, he gets right to the point, is very direct, stresses the importance of understanding the risks and what occurs with different risks, he definetly made me comfortable with his knowledge of knowing what to do in the event of a complication. I trusted his judgement, his words, his experience and his ability. I have NO FEAR AT All. I have a calm about me, I didn't think was going to be possible. The office staff was wonderful. I got hugs, and understanding, support and a definite overall feeling that the office staff loves their boss. (Smiling) and I understand why. They all seem happy with their positions and answered all my silly questions and expressed a lot of patience with my emotional turmoil. I really believe that Dr. Vaughan has tried extra hard to educate his patients before he meets with them. When he started to talk, it was like reading the handbook out loud. I knew immediately he wrote the handbook himself. But the more important fact, was the handbook was engrained in my brain. Bottomline, I was able to concentrate more on the important issues. I have never in my life been so aware of how the body functions and how the internal organs function together and what their job is inside my body. It feels so good to be so knowledgeable about the gastric bypass surgery. I ultimately know this knowledge will help me be successful and to recognize certain symtoms that are important on my road to a healthier life. Considering the major life long changes this type of surgery is going to require from me; I think it is important that Dr. Vaughan be reassured that I understand the importance of following the four rules set forth to produce "SUCCESS". I also feel that Dr. Vaughan looks for that commitment and dedication in each patient. It's called being "silently observed". (Smiling) On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best) I would rate Dr. Vaughan a "TEN" I think surgical competence in most important, but means nothing to me personally, without the bedside manner. I interviewed three surgeons before I selected Dr. Vaughan. Something absolutely hysterical happened to lead me to Dr. Vaughan because of these Interviews. The first surgeon I interviewed was not a very good speaker, I attended his seminar and was concerned with his grammer. If his grammer wasn't important to him, what else wasn't important to him? He was fairly new to gastric bypass surgery. He seemed very knowledgeable, but I just wasn't completely comfortable. I followed my instincts and scheduled another interview with a second surgeon and was even more shocked at the arrogance and over confidence the second surgeon displayed. He tried and was successful in his little "embarrass the patient" into submission tactics that didn't work on me. There was no respect shown for those of us listening to him. He had no patience with our questions, and he wanted to do all the talking. He continously interrupted us, I said: "SELF", no way in hell do I want him to operate on me. So "YES", surgical competence and bedside manner both are important to me. So Is Respect. How I found Dr. Vaughan was the first surgeon I interviwed has a clinical coordinator who recommended Dr. Vaughan and the second Surgeon in town had a operating room nurse who worked with him while performing Gastric Bypass Surgery who decided to have Dr. Vaughan do her surgery. That makes a big statement in my book. When you're excellent in the Medical Field the first people to recognize it are in the Medical Community. I do not have anything negative to say at this point, and I sincerely don't think I will find anything negative to say. Dr. Vaughan knows the importance of professionalism and will maintain that aspect of his profession. his practice is important to him. It makes that statement the minute you walk into his office. i will update as my experience with Dr. Vaughan grows into a better rapport. GOD BLESS DR. VAUGHAN, AND THANK YOU !!!!! "

Dr. S. Jerry Pinto

"My first appointment with Dr. Pinto was a total of three minutes. He scheduled me for my first over night, I had my consultation with him and he scheduled me for my second over night with the C-PAP machine. And have not heard back from him. He sent all information to my Internist. PERIOD !!! "

Dr. Gobi Balaji

"I think Dr. Balaji (Ba-La-Ge) is an excellent Internist. He expresses concern for the entire body mechanics and how it functions. I do believe he is very detail oriented and doesn't hesitate to refer me to a specialist when the need arises. He has a great respect for the medical field and how his knowledge and experience can help me as one of his patients. He is known as a "Doctors' Doctor" that is probably one of the greatest compliments a Doctor can receive from his peers. I called Dr. Balaji's office and asked if Dr. Balaji would write a referral letter for me to have Lap-RNY Surgery? Dr. Balaji's first question was who is the surgeon? I told him Dr. Jefferson Vaughan, in Jupiter. My Doctor did not know of Dr. Vaughan but promised he would work with Dr. Vaughan to help me establish a healthier life. I had to make an appointment with Dr. Balaji to discuss what the letter should contain. He told me he knows Dr. Fusco and I made a very good choice, which relieved me and removed alot of anxiety about the surgeon I didn't really know. I really appreciate Dr. Balaji's concern and help getting me through this process, that will correct my health issues and give me a better quality of life. I should have known better, than to think it was going to be that easy. (smiling) Dr. Balaji scheduled me for the Sleep Apnea test with Dr. Pinto on Sept 6, 2003. Dr. Balaji wants to make sure any and all concerns that could affect me during surgery is at a minumum. And for that I do appreciate and respect my Internist - Dr. Balaji. I have to share this cute story with you; Dr. Balaji said with compasssion and care he wouldn't use the term Morbidly Obese. I said; WHY NOT? The fact is true. I'm 120 lbs over weight and that term will be beneficial to me when applying to my insurance company. He was concerned about offending me or hurting my feelings. Is that adorable or what? That's what I call an Excellent Doctor. Thank you Dr. Balaji for being who you are. (Bigger Smiles) "

Stephen D. Cotton

"08/12/03 I met with Dr. Stephen Cotton to be evaluated for Lap Band Surgery through Life Shape of Florida Surgical Weight Loss Center. The surgeon is Dr. Mark Fusco. I heard several compliments about Dr. Fusco, which I was relieved to hear. It helped relieve some of my own anxiety. Dr. Cotton was very easy to talk to and provided a very relaxed environment. He seemed to be real aware of the feelings associated with obesity. We discussed all the efforts to lose weight and the fear of gaining it back. We discussed how long this weight loss frustration has been going on in my life. I even shared a story from 4th grade that I actually remember. Dr. Cotton is going to write a letter of referral for me, diagnosing me with a Mood Disorder due to my excessive weight and the affect my weight has on me emotionally. I couldn't ask for anything more perfect or true. Dr. Cotton has outstanding listening skills that really helped me to open up and share my experiences concerning weight loss and gain over my lifetime. We also discussed the changes I will have to accept after my surgery. I'm looking forward to those changes. I did tell Dr. Cotton that I understood the Lap Band surgery was a tool and I'm ultimately responsible for the success of the Lap Band surgery. Above and beyond the weight loss, is my Health issues. The weight loss is a side benefit to correcting my health problems. My over all opinion of Dr. Cotton is excellent. I felt I was dealing with a very compassionate, caring Doctor who knew the need to evaluate me fairly for my own protection. And I personally thank him for that. He approves of the Lap Band surgery for me, and will have the letter to Dr. Fusco by early next week: August 18th - August 20th, 2003. I will request a copy of the letter for my own files. The fee was $140.00 for one hour evaluation and I paid with a personal check. I received a paid receipt that I will submit to my insurance company. "

Ann Davies

"Ann seems to be very knowledgeable concerning Nutrition. I would like to have had a better understanding of blended foods. I found Ann to be a very serious person with not many smiles to offer. I was looking for that extra support, and understanding. I feel comfortable calling her if I have any questions and I do believe she will take her time with me in explaining answers and involving me in the conversation. I do appreciate her time and thank her for taking the time to explain certain issues to me. "
About Me
Melbourne, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2003
Member Since
