boemary 19 years, 5 months ago

Hey Jonathan,:) Wow almost a whole year has gone by, I hope you are happy with your wls results so far, I know I am. Just keep going, Stay Healthy! Start drinking that water Happy New Year!

boemary 19 years, 10 months ago

Hey Jonathan CONGRATS ,over 100 pounds gone Forever..... WOW :) Your doing fantastic!!!! Feel proud you have earned the right to Brag!!!!! I hope all your dreams come true for you! Hope to see you at the meeting in Aug.... hugz Mary

Erin E. 20 years, 1 month ago

Hello, I just saw that your surgeon was Dr Thoburn. I am having surgery by Dr Sarantos, same office. My surgery is scheduled for May 3rd. I noticed all the weight that you have lost. Congradulations. Wow you are doing great. Best of luck to you. Just think soon you will be in the century club!

susanegrindle 20 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan, sounds like you are continuing to do well. Keep up the good work! Susan

boemary 20 years, 4 months ago


boemary 20 years, 5 months ago

Dear Johnathan, I am so happy you are well, and home! I was wondering when someone would let us know you were ok, I am happy alex is ok also! God i have so many questions John, but the main thing is you get your rest and be healthy, I knowyou feel kinda "shittaki" right now but i know you will feel a lil better everyday , till eventually it will be all behind you meaning the discomfort! when your feeling better I know you will write down every lil detail for us , cause thats what you do....God bless you Johnathan!

TheresaC 20 years, 5 months ago

Great to hear you are home. Being home will make you feel better. Remember the first 2 weeks are the worst. It DOES get better. Congratulations!

Jonathan S. 20 years, 5 months ago

Hey Everyone I am back!!!! I'm feeling a little truck-ran-me-over-ish right now, so I am going to take my long awaited shower and camp out on the couch, thanks for all your posts, I'd reply to each and everyone one but it is hard just to make this update. Thanks to Sharon and Mel! yal are great, and by the way, alex is fine too, i think he might have done better than me.

BBD 20 years, 5 months ago

Jonathan WELCOME to the loosers club!!!! The hard part is over it's just the healing part now.......all you have waited for is comming true......This to shall pass and get better every day from here on out xoxoxoxoxo bbd

diane (. 20 years, 5 months ago

Jonathan, It may seem as though things are a struggle right now, but know that God is in Control and we are not. He gave this surgery as an opportunity for you to shine your light...For people to see you as the person and not the skin that we hide behind. To be a help to someone who is in a worst situation then we are and to be a voice of one who knows what it was like to walk in the shoes of someone who had more to give in his life than what people saw on the outside. The opportunity for you to grow on the inside and help those to cross over to the skinny side. Without a trial, there is not testimony. This is your trial time, but the surgery is over and now - you can be you. What you have always been - but now what others will see. It is clear that you had it in you all the time, now its time for you to give back to those who need your support. May you get well each and everyday, use this time as a crutch and stepping stone to be the fullest potential of a person who has now broken through the hard part and now can live life like we've never seen before. The quality of our lives is yet to come, and this is the beginning of your new life. Walk proud and know - you will now be all that you want to be and no one will discourage you from reaching that goal. God Bless You. :-)
About Me
Gainesville, FL
Surgery Date
Aug 02, 2003
Member Since
