Eva S. 19 years, 11 months ago

I can't get into update my profile so, decided to put it here. It's June 2004. My partner passed away Feb 22 2004. The tumor had regrown then he had the misfortune to catch a hospital bug. I looked after him at home, and a whole new outlook on life that is even more vitrupritive than it was. The state of health care in this provonce is appaling. I am 240 now. and fifty. I can still do splits to the floor but can barely get my right arm behind my back. Try to blame that one on carrying too much weight. Aside from that I don't have too much to add, still cold, still throwing up.The dog ate my seat belt, and I sleep about every three days. I miss my partner, but the disorentation passes slowly. I seem to be in the anger stage of the grieving process. After he first passed I experienced a brief spell of anorexia. Didn't eat unless it was to keep the tea from making me sick, then I'd choke down half a slice of bread. My weight dropped suddenly and everyone was saying that's good. Well no not really not when you think about what it cost me. It started to go back up but is slowly going down again as I mow the endless lawn. That's the right way. Eva Sartorius
About Me
Breton, AB
May 16, 2000
Member Since
