Karen S. 23 years, 6 months ago

karen is doinf very well as of turkey day she has been up and walking around most of the night. she has a little fever but the say that is normal and she has to keep her lungs working good . she hasn't sleep to much due to the pain medicine making her jumpy. she is having discomfort but its only been 2 days since surgery. she is excited about having this done but as in any surgery she is still a little scared . she should be coming home on friday if all goes well and will be talking to all real soon. thats for all the support you have given her . love andy hubby

joni D. 23 years, 6 months ago

Karen, Wishing you the best with your upcoming surgery and for a speedy recovery. Hugs, joni

tpiland 23 years, 6 months ago

Good luck with your upcoming surgery Karen! You will do great I am sure. You just have to keep thinking positive thoughts. I am nine days away from my surgery and that is what I keep doing. Take care!

Joelle B. 23 years, 6 months ago

Good luck Karen! You and your family are in my prayers. I also have an 8 year old and wonderful husband so I undersand your fears but think of all the fun times you are going to have with your kids in this new healthy body your going to create! Best of luck and God bless Karen.

peaceangel58 23 years, 7 months ago

Hi Karen, Congrats on your approval so fast.I just want to let you know you will be in my thought and prayers. I hope that this surgery is all that you want it to be. I am 1 week post op, and I am so excited about my new healthy attitude. I know you will do well also.

lynne S. 23 years, 8 months ago

Hi Karen...just got out of the chat room, with you, and I really have to get to bed, but just wanted to let you know that I heard your pain and I want to congratulate you on the next step you are taking in re-claiming YOUR life! My e-mail is [email protected], anytime, contact me. I will go through this with you, as will everyone else will on this list. talk to you soon .
About Me
Hilton, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 28, 2000
Member Since
