amy T. 19 years, 5 months ago

Hi! It's me! I'm a little over one year out. I've lost approx 124 lbs. I feel wonderful. Finally stopped my hair from falling out. To me that's been the worst part about the surgery. I have much more energy and would recommend the surgery to anyone who is contemplating having it. Just remember it's not a cure but a tool.

amy T. 20 years ago

Hi everyone! It's me. I'm almost 7 months out. It's amazing how much better I feel. I've lost 86 lbs so far and have a lot more energy. I'm still working at HealthSouth in Wichita Falls, and I found out the other day that I can now run! Still have the problem with hair loss and trying to get all the protein in. Guess I'll have to work it out. Amy

amy T. 20 years, 4 months ago

Hello! I know I haven't posted any new messages lately, but here I am. At this point almost 9 weeks post op I have lost 43 lbs. I know some people have lost more at this point, but I guess it's just my metabolism. I feel lots better and I'm beginning to have more energy. Just 13 more lbs and I'll be under the 200 lb mark...that's the day I'm looking forward to. Good luck to all of you too!

amy T. 20 years, 6 months ago

Good Morning everyone! It seems after the surgery you hardly sleep at all. I'm starting to feel tons better and have a little more energy. I'm walking 3 x daily in my neighborhood for at least 10 minutes each time. I'm trying to increase the time it's just a little hard still. Keeping all my food down so far including my instant brkfst. My staples are beginning to itch me to death. Hope to get them out this Friday. Hope I've lost some weight by that time too! I will keep you all posted with any changes. Take care! Amy

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 6 months ago

<b>Welcome home and good you made it through, Welcome to the losing side you will like it over here, LOL. hang in there, take care**Hugs**</b>

amy T. 20 years, 6 months ago

Good morning everyone! Yes, I am here, I finally made it. Very sore, but feeling very good. I plan on going to the meeting today at the MPEC center. I think I need to get out of the house a bit, fix my hair, and put on's been a week!!! (almost). I made a very good friend while I was in the hospital. Her name is Jill and we had met on the day we were doing our post-ops. We had our surgery one right after the other. It's very fun to do this, because you can actually commiserate together. It also proves how yes, you will have some of the same problems going on, but everyone will heal differently. Some faster, some slower. But, you will share alot of the same things. I think I will always have a personal feeling about her, after going thru this with her. You see, I had to go thru this without my husband, because he left for California the day before my surgery because of a sick Father. We both cried, it was hard! but at least I have lots of people who love me here, His dad had noone. He's leaving today, coming home...I miss him alot! anyways,'re going to love Warnock and all the staff on 3 east...and to all of you who have already been there I'm sure you will all agree. I'm eating yogurt, crackers, broth, cream of wheat and seem to be tolerating it ok...just have a bad post nasal drip cough which is causing me to be sore on my incision site. Doing well, I think. Any questions, just email me...Love you all...and to all who called me,,,,if I sounded out of it...I WAS..LOL...and Thanks for caring and all the prayers...Please to continue to pray for me...I pray for you. Amy

Deanna H. 20 years, 6 months ago

Hi Amy. I am Deanna from Iowa Park. I am in the process of saving money in order to have the surgery. I have joined this support site. I see that you are having surgery this morning. I will keep you in my prayers. I pray for comfort, and good health for you and I pray for Dr. Warnock and the medical staff. I hope to one day be in your position...nervous and all...LOL. Good luck and God Bless. Deanna

texangrl4vr 20 years, 6 months ago

I pray that you have an uneventful surgery and that your recovery will be speedy! God bless you and good luck!

amy T. 20 years, 6 months ago

Hello everyone! I am so overwhelmed by all the support I have received from the people I've communicated with on this website. I want to thank each and everyone of you. I check my messages everyday and look forward to the mail I receive...It has helped me immensely. Three more days until my surgery and I'm still nervous. I did all my pre-ops yesterday. Dr Warnock is so sweet to you..he asks you if you are sure about your decision. I'm not looking forward to drinking the Mag Citrate!! YUK! But, I am looking forward to getting the surgery overwith and being on the other side! I will continue to keep in touch..again, Thanks to all of you. amy

Melissa S. 20 years, 6 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.
About Me
wichita falls, tx
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2003
Member Since
