Daily Vita Plus Vegetarian

"VEGETARIAN Vitamins regulate metabolism, facilitate the conversion of fat and carbohydrate to energy, and are required for the formation and repair of cellular tissues. Vitamin supplements are part of the solution to insure proper nutrient uptake to prevent nutrition deficiencies. Both formulas are natural orange flavored liquids that can fill the vitamin gap! This 100% natural liquid contains all of the fifteen required vitamins, plus more"

Lipase Herbal Blend

"LHB is one of those "good common sense" supplements. LHB is a companion supplement that most everyone needs for better assimilation of the foods they eat, to promote elimination of toxins, and to enhance the nutritional supplements consumed. Enzymes are the building blocks of life, all life. Today's diet and food choices do not provide enough live enzymes. We are, undoubtedly, a vitamin and mineral deficient society, but more than deficient in vitamins and minerals, we are an enzyme deficient society. Everyone needs enzyme supplementation. "

Oxygen Elements Plus

"Oxygen Elements Plus supplies the body with a steady diet of free oxygen, hydrogen, full spectrum minerals, amino acids, and enzymes ? all the while cleansing your body's cells, including the colon. "

Gold Label Noni Juice

"A raspberry juice concentrate, and natural flavors. Increase your energy and immune support. Even kids love the taste! You'll love the health benefits of the extra virgin, vintage blend of powerhouse juices."

Super Sea Essentials

"Treat your body to a ?daily dose? of vitality and over 100 phytonutrients (plant nutrients) from sea vegetables, plus Aloe Vera, Mangosteen, Pau D?Arco, Nopal (prickly pear cactus), Turmeric Blend, and Amino Acid Complex. Try Super Sea Essentials as a late afternoon pick-me-up instead of coffee or sodas. This is especially important for seniors, as caffeine has negative effects on bone density. "


"The immune factors contained in colostrum known as PRP (Proline-rich Polypeptide) can actually curtail an overactive immune response contributing to the rebuilding of healthy tissue."

Coral Complete

"Coral Complete helps the body to reestablish pH balance, enabling the body fluids to maintain a state of alkalinity that is essential for health and wellness. The ingredients in Coral Complete reduce acidic conditions that contribute to a host of health problems"


"Dissolve 1 packet with a meal. Helps your body rid itself of the yeast & fungal organisms. "

Mineral Milk Powder

"More energy, better night's sleep, reduce leg cramps, reduce fatigue, good mineralization of bone! Just 1/4th tsp with water daily"

Life Support

"Mixed with water and liquid minerals I'm supporting my body and my bones. Orange taste isn't too bad for vitamins."
About Me
Shelton, WA
Feb 13, 2005
Member Since
