Designer Whey

"I have used it off and on since surgery. I've tried others, but I keep coming back to this one. It can be blended with fruit, yogurts, ice, milk...currently I blend it with milk and instant coffee for a cold latte' in the mornings. It was a struggle to find a way to drink it postop because my taste changed and everything was too sweet, but with coffee, this is great."

Helmut Schreiber

"I really liked my surgeon, he seemed upfront and honest. He didn't have alot of concerns since I don't have any health problems other than my annoying foot. The staff are efficient and helpful, they got the request for approval out quickly and I was quite satisfied with their level of expertise. I was impressed with Dr. Schrieber's after-care program. The fee's for the follow-ups are included in the entire cost, so I won't have to come up with a separate fee everytime I visit him. "
About Me
Oak Harbor, OH
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2000
Member Since
