April D. 21 years, 11 months ago

7-8-02 Hello everyone, my name is April Day and I am Mary's angel. I would like to update you on Mary's surgery. Mary and her husband Derek drove to The Carolinas Hospital System in Florence, SC, with me close on their tails. We arrived there at about 5:50 am. Mary was a bundle of nerves, which is to be expected when undergoing such a major surgery. About 6 am, the nursing staff had Mary change into this lovely, one-piece, highly fashionable, run-way style hospital gown (of course, they are all like that). Ha! Ha! They then took her vital signs, and shortly after that her Cadillac (gurney) arrived. It was about 6:30 am or sometime there about. They have changed the rules, and only one person is now allowed in the surgical holding area, and I explained that I was Mary's angel, but they would make no exceptions, so Derek escorted her down. It wasn't long before he came back upstairs about 7 am, we then went to the hospital cafeteria and got some breakfast. After breakfast, we went back up to the room and anxiously awaited for some news from the OR. At 8:45 am The OR called us and told us that Mary was doing just fine. 10:15 am The OR called and said that they were just about through with Mary's procedure. 11:15 am Dr.Balder came to the room with a picture and told us that Mary had a huge hiadial hernia which had been causing her to have gastric reflux, and that he rapaired it while he was doing the laproscopic Rou-En-Y Gastric Bypass. 11:45 am A nurse came in and told us that Mary was waking up in the Recovery Room and would be brought to room 835. Derek and I headed upstairs to room 835 to await her arrival. 12:35 pm Sometime in the past hour, I went down stairs to the Gift Shop and got Mary a big cat with a Get Well balloon attached to it to cheer her up. Mary loves cats, and has 4 of them at home. Then Derek headed down to get her his gifts too. He brought back the cutest purple teddy bear that had a beautiful purple bow on it, and a get well balloon on it as well. He also got her an American flag coffee mug filled with white daisy's and red roses which are Mary's favorite flowers. It also had cute little American flags coming out of the arrangement as well. We wanted Mary to feel loved as she came into her new home for the next few days. She is very loved, not only by us, but by so many other people. She is a very special lady with a heart of gold!!! 12:42 pm Anxiously awaiting!! No Mary yet! 12:45 pm Alas! Mary is here!!! They brought her to the room, hooked everything up, then they actually made her stand up to be weighed!! I couldn't believe that. I am sure that she was still pretty woosy from the effects of the anesthesia. She was in quite a lot of pain, so they hooked up her morphing pump. She was very hot and wanted a fan, but none was available. I turned the thermostat down to 55 degrees for her. She said that she didn't remember anything about the surgery, which is a good thing. I don't even think that she knows about the hernia yet. I wish her a speedy recovery and no pain, or at least very little!!! 1:30 pm I had to leave to go visit Dr.Balder next door for my 2 month check-up. I went back to see Mary and Derek before heading back to Conway. I guess I got to the room about 3 pm, and Mary had already been doing her breathing exercises and walking !!!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine that? What a Woman !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr. Balder said that she will probably go home on Thursday, but I think that Mary is convinced to go home Wednesday, and at the rate she is going, she just might convince him!!!!!!!!! If you would like to call her, the telephone # 1 (843) 674-5835. Please keep Mary in her family in your prayers! God Bless You, ~April Day~ Mary's Angel

Joanie J. 21 years, 11 months ago

Mary- Thought I had posted previously. My thoughts and prayers are with you today. I am finally getting a little nervous about my big day tomorrow. Please keep in touch when you get home. Take care and talk soon.

Willette L. 21 years, 11 months ago

Well, today's the day. Be strong and come out of it feeling great. Here's to a quick and (relatively) painless recovery. Cheers!

angel_wls 21 years, 11 months ago

Just stopping by to wish you a speedy recovery filled with lots of morphine, pain meds, and hopefully no sponges missing. :o) Congrats on your much awaited day, I will be praying for you. Have a blessed day! HUGGERS ~Ang~

April D. 21 years, 11 months ago

Dear Mary, I am so honored to be your angel!!! I know that you were supposed to go first in surgery, but you were an excellent angel for me, and I hope that I can do as much for you as you did for me! I know that you are in good hands with Dr.Balder, and I pray that the Lord will be working through his hands as he did with my surgery. May you have a very speedy recovery with no complications. I know that you are so well informed with the post-op eating and instructions, that I hope that your eating goes as well as mine did. I am really looking forward to Monday, July 8, 2002 at 4:30 am. I am here for you now and always. Love your angel, April

Debra M. 21 years, 11 months ago

God Bless you Mary on your journey over to the "losing side" Much Love Debra

Angela H. 21 years, 11 months ago

Best of luck to you and I hope you have the easiest of recoveries. Angie In SC pre-op July 30th. **The light at the end of the tunnel may be you**

Cathy W. 21 years, 11 months ago

I wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming surgery, I'm sure you are doing a happy dance accompanied by some "NERVES"!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Good Luck Cathy Whitmer

Laura L. 21 years, 11 months ago

Mary, best wishes for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery!!!

rhondan 21 years, 11 months ago

Mary, Best wishes on your surgery and a speedy recovery angel hugs to you!!!
About Me
Greenville, SC
Surgery Date
Jan 06, 2002
Member Since
