Melissa S. 20 years, 10 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.

Carol H. 20 years, 10 months ago

I just wanted to say GOOD LUCK on your surgery. Take a deep breath, try to relax. Know that we all care about you and are wishing you the best. Think positive, it really does help. After surgery, REMEMBER, turn, cough, take deep breaths, and walk to prevent complications. Hold your incision when you cough, it helps it hurt less. Keep your profile updated, it may make a difference in the live of someone else. Smile, keep your chin up! And lastly, if your chin does fall, just remember, from this position it is easier to moon people! :) (Also, humor helps too!)

Debbie B. 20 years, 10 months ago

Jan - Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. May God hold you and your surgery team in his precious hands.

Justin F. 20 years, 11 months ago

Hi, congrats . You are on your way to the losing side. Good luck on your upcoming surgery and I hope you have a speedy and painless recovery and best wishes on the rest of your journey.

PookieW2 20 years, 11 months ago

Good Luck Jan!! May your slide to the losing side be as uneventful and painless as possible. I know you are just beginning a new road in your life's journey. How very exciting!! God Bless.....

L. Brown 20 years, 11 months ago

Jan, Many warm wishes and prayers are heading your way for an uneventful surgery, a relatively pain-free recovery, and many months of weight loss followed by a lifetime of health and wellness. This surgery has truly been a miracle to me, may it be the same for you. {{{HUGS}}}

Jillian C. 20 years, 11 months ago

Jan, Good luck on your upcoming surgery! I hope it is very uneventful and problem free. I’d like to offer some advice. Please remember to take it slow after surgery. Sleep as much as you can. You’re probably not going to have any energy after surgery; it is your body’s way of adjusting to your new digestive system. Rest when you’re tired. Also, I’m sure you’ve heard about going through a period of morning in regards to food. It may or may not happen, but remember it will only be temporary. About three weeks after surgery I had an appointment with my surgeon and I was REALLY down about not being able to eat and the fact that it hurt when I sipped water. After my appointment I got in my car and looked over and in the car next to me were to people eating Taco Bell. Silly me, I started to cry (and I don’t EVEN like Taco Bell) because I couldn’t eat it even if I wanted to. Then on my very long ride home, I cried every time I passed a fast food restaurant. The next day I was fine. In fact, I always have extra cash on me now that I’m not stopping in for fries or a burger all the time. I hope this advice helps. OH! Don’t worry about getting in all your protein the first couple of days/weeks….the important thing is keeping yourself hydrated – try to drink (sip) as much water as possible. You’ll do fine! Have a safe journey to the losing side! ~J

MommaAngel 20 years, 11 months ago

Almost empty page here needs your support for MON. LORD BLESS

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 11 months ago

Congratulations on getting through the approval process, Your big day is next and then you will be on the losing side. Try to hang in there and stay focused and take one day at a time. Remember your AMOS friends are always here for support. 24-7~*~Hugs~*~

Andrea S. 20 years, 11 months ago

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. Praying for a speedy recovery! ~God Bless~
About Me
Albuquerque, NM
Surgery Date
Feb 11, 2003
Member Since
