Major Meltdown Situation

Apr 01, 2012

 Ugh! I just hit my 6 month post-op anniversary a little over a week ago and I feel like I'm going crazy! My weight loss has slowed down a lot during this past month. I can tell more of a difference when I don't get all my protein in as opposed to eating exactly the amount I should, but it's hard and I'm working on it. I just have no appetite somedays and it's very hard to force myself to eat. I am still losing around one pound per week, but that feels like a blow to my ego when I'm used to seeing 3-4 lbs. lost every week. I think I may need to start weighing in every two weeks instead of every week, I may need to hide my scale. lol. 

I have been really emotional this past week. In the past, when I was upset or down about something I would turn to food to comfort me. I could eat and forget about what was bothering me. That's not the case anymore. Now when I'm feeling down, I don't want to eat anything at all. That's a huge change for me that is affecting me more than I thought it would. Another thing that is affecting me for some reason lately is the fact that I can't have carbonation. I was never a huge soda drinker before, but lately I've been CRAVING a sugar free red bull. That of course is a no-no, but I find myself daydreaming about the taste of one on occasion! What the heck is up with that?!

And I broke down just yesterday to my super sweet and understanding husband because I went to a play date with my kids where there were about 6 girls I went to high school with. Not a one of them said anything about my weight loss. Mind you some of them haven't seen me in months and I've lost 71 lbs. For some reason I was devastated. I also put on a pair of size 12 jeans for the FIRST TIME in who knows how long and no one noticed but my sweet hubby. I don't know why their acknowledgement is important to me, it shouldn't be, but it was. I was so upset that not one person told me I looked good. That is obviously something mental that I need to get over, but especially yesterday, it was hard. 

Anyway, there is my rant for the week. I'm going to try and start this new month off with a better stronger attitude. We'll see how it goes! :) 

Happy April everyone!



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