Finally out of the stall

Jul 26, 2010

So it's been a long time since i've posted a blog about anything.  This is worth being noteworthy so i remember what i went through years down the road.  I had surgery on 3/23/10 and my weightloss has been F-A-S-T.  Then about 3 weeks ago i hit a stall where the scale would go up a pound one day, down two pounds the next day, up a couples pounds, down a couple pounds....but always staying at the same weight.  FINALLY, thank God....i am out of that and am seeing the numbers head back down.  As of this morning I have lost a whopping 91 lbs since my surgery.  I thank God every day that He gave me the strength to do this and my dr. the knowledge.

Now....if only i could get my butt back to the gym!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 was surgery

Mar 26, 2010

So i came home from the hospital yesterday.  It definitely was harder than i thought it would be.  First off, we get to the OR at 5:30 and they bring me in to start my IV.  Well the nurse blew 3 veins and then sent me to anesthesia for them to do the IV.  Well.  It didn't work out too well.  He tried both hands, both forearms, inside of of both elbows, and both wrists.  It was very traumatic and i woke up with a big line coming out of my neck.  Now that had it's great points and it had its poor points.  On the good side, they were able to just take any blood they need right from my neck IV, so i didn't have to get poked at all.  On the down side i couldn't shower until 24 hours after it had been taken out.

The surgery went well, i think i was only in there for about 2 hours or so, recovery wasn't too bad that day, though i felt a little sick.  That night didn't go to well because whenever i used my pain meds at night my respirations would drop below 10 resps per min and an alarm would go off.  So i just sucked it up and got some sleep w/o the pain meds.  The next day I had to go for my barium swallow to check for leaks.  Well....they gave it to me and i threw it right back up and then dry heaved for a few hours.  My Dr. said i HAD to do the swallow that day so they took me back down a few hours later and i did it, no leaks, then i threw up.   But at least i was able to get down the barium to complete the test.  

The next night was much more restful. I didn't use much of the pain killer because that was what was making me sick i think.  But the next day i got to go home. My drain came out, then my neck IV came out.  No problem.

Today wasn't so bad.  My mom comes over ever day while my boyfriend is at work.   She also gives me the lovenox shots every day, which i have to be on for 7 days to prevent blood clots. Today was the first day I've felt up to getting on the computer.


Yesterday's Pre-op testing

Mar 18, 2010

So i think yesterday was possibly one of the worst days of my life.  When i left work to head out to my pre-op testing appointment i had a voice mail from the surgeon's office telling me they received my surgical clearance from my doctor but to call them ASAP.   When i called them, they told me that my EKG (that i had done over a month ago) came back showing a Right Branch Bundle Blockage and i had to see a cardiologist before my Tuesday Surgery date.   I freaked!  All i could think about was that this was some sort of a death sentence or something and that they weren't going to perform the surgery.  Fortunately he was able to get me in yesterday.

So, i headed to the hospital for the testing and was AAALLLL worked up because i had to have this Arterial Blood Gas test.  So the nurse when to take my blood normally and trust me when i tell you it was a big song and dance.  I cried my eyes out and it wasn't all that bad.  I know...I'm such a baby.  Then she called Alan....Alan is the poor soul who had to do the blood gas test.  Well, Alan has been doing this since the 70's, he's no rookie, and he NEVER misses.  Well, let me tell you....two minutes of him poking and prodding around in my wrist, he still got nothing....Alan, the man who never misses....missed.  I was a mess at this point.  Then he went and got another needle from his office and did my other wrist.  20 seconds and it was all finished.   Not bad at all....though i did sob through the whole thing.   They were absolutely wonderful and i feel terrible for the nightmare i caused them...but I'm sure that i gave them a story for them to chuckle about for years to come.

From there i rushed over to the Cardiologist's office.  I waited for ever waiting for my incompetent doctor's office to fax my EKG over to the surgeon's office and then them fax it over to the Cardiologist's office.  So i was finally able to meet the cardiologist, Dr. Akula. - Very nice man.  He explained what the right branch bundle blockage was and said that it is common and not anything to be worried about but that it will not go away with surgery.  They arent sure what causes it or when it happened.   He did clear me for surgery.  Thank God.  I do have to go back to him in 3 months though for a follow up.

Thankfully only 5 more days until this is all over.

Arterial Blood Gases

Mar 16, 2010

So today is my arterial blood gases and i'm scared to death!  I'm not took keen on needles as it is, but this is going to take the cake i think.  I remember going with my mom to get hers done and how scared she was (she was also a nurse for 20+ years...not much phases her). I youtubed the procedure and that didn't help any...that just made my fear even worse.  Hopefully it's not nearly as bad as i think it will be.


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 27, 2009
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