May 07, 2011

Well, I had my surgery on Monday, May 2.  Everything went very well.  I had my leak test later that day and past.  So now I'm on clear liquids until May 17.  Then I can have full liquids!  So looking forward to thinned down instant mashed potatoes!!!  Right now I'm taking it easy and sleeping alot it seems.  I'm having trouble getting my liquids in as well as my protein.  I'm not allowed to weigh until I go back to see Dr. McKinney for my 2 week checkup.  I know that the day I started my preop I was at 251.  The day of surgery I was down to 238!  I was so happy.  It's been so long since I've seen a number that low on my scale.

I will try to update regularly, but not sure how that's going to go.  I'm hoping to go back to work on Monday, but not sure if hubby is going to let me.  We'll see though.  Might have to do a little sweet talkin'.

Talk to you soon!


Apr 29, 2011

So I had my pre-op appointment on Good Friday, April 22.  I then started my pre-op on Saturday.  It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.  And by the way, it's the liquid diet -- high protein, low carb.  The day before my surgery is nothing but the clear liquids.  I never thought I would be so happy to be on clear liquids.  It's just one more step away to being on the losing side. 

So my surgery in on Monday, May 2 at 9 am.  I have to be there at 6.  Hubby took the week off to take care of the kids, and my mom is planning on staying with me at the hospital.  Doctor said I should be leaving by Wednesday.

I've been trying to get my stuff in order for the hospital and for when I come home.  I still need to do a little more shopping for the clear liquids.  Saturday, I'm going in to the office and tie up all the lose ends.  Then I'm meeting my daughter when she gets off work to go shopping for maternity clothes.  She's 3 months along and has a pretty good pooch.

Really excited about the surgery now since the grandbaby is coming.  I'll be able to do so much more with him/her than I could with my own. 

It will be a new journey, both weightloss and being a grandmother.  But with my trust in God, I know things will be better than ever.


Apr 08, 2011

I'm so excited!  I've been watching the mailbox ever since the approval letter for the RNY.  I received a phone call after work on Wednesday from Tracy letting me know that she had received the letter for the RNY, resubmitted for the sleeve, and they had just faxed her the approval!!  How awesome is that?!?!

She asked if I wanted to schedule for April 25 and I about fell out of my chair.  As good as that sounded, it was not doable.  I had too much going on at work.  So I asked for the next available date -- May 2.  Perfect!!  After end of month, but before the other girl goes on vacation.  Preop is April 22 -- which I happen to have off, so no missed time for that.

I just thank God that things are falling in place and that he has worked things out for me to have this surgery.  I serve such an awesome God!!

Blessings to you!



APPROVED!!! but for RNY

Apr 01, 2011

I received my aprroval letter in the mail today from BCBS NJ.  It only took about a week from the time Tracy sent the request until I received the letter.  However, it is for the RNY.  At the time I saw Dr. McKinney for consultation, the vertical gastric sleeve (VSG) was not an option on my plan.  It was then considered investigational.

My mom had a consultation with Dr. McKinney and because of existing problems she has she is not a candidate for RNY, but the VSG.  She did not know much about it, but after the doctor explaining and doing some research on OH, she was extremely excited about it and even more in favor of it than the RNY. 

Well, after her telling me about it, I checked my plan and praise God it is no longer considered investigational and is now a covered procedure.  So I called Tracy first thing (about 1 or 2 days after submitting for RNY) to ask about the VSG.  She read in my chart notes that Dr. McKinney had okayed for me to have that as well and submitted a request for the VSG.

So my thinking now is that if I can gett approved for RNY, surely I can get approved for the VSG.  And hopefully I will get a letter on Saturday or Monday of next week letting me know one way or the other.

I fell that I have come a long way since I first started this process.  I've been trying to eat healthier, but sometimes it's just hard or easy to go back to the old way.  I do really good during the day, but once home, I really struggle.  I guess I never thought that I would actually get approved.  Now that I've seen it in writing, it seems a lot more real. 

I know I will be frequenting OH alot more now for how to ease over into the special foods.  I can't wait to find new recipes and try them on my family!  I'm sure they won't mind, as long as its not asparagus or eggplant (bad experience with them both)!

Have a great evening and a blessed weekend!
1 comment

Consultation Over

Jun 03, 2010

Had my consultation on Tuesday.  Dr. McKinney is just ass nice as before and so is his nurse Jerrell.  Dr. McKinney said I would be a good candidate for either the bypass or band, but that the bypass was the right choice for me.

I also spoke with the Dietician - Ann.  She is so sweet.  She went over things that I can be doing now to get ready and what kind of diet I will be on pre- and post- surgery.  As well as a list of vitamins I will need and when would be the best time to take them.

Dr. McKinney's office does require a Psych Eval, so I will be calling this next week to get that scheduled.  I still have to do the 6 months of WW and have my progress documented by my PCP.  So when I called to schedule an appointment, I was told he was booked up until JULY!!!!  Took the first available on July 1st.

Now it's pretty much a waiting game.

I also talked to Tracy, the insurance lady.  She told me BC/BS NJ likes to take their time making a decision.  She said even though they say 30 days, it can sometimes be 3 to 4 months!  We'll just have to wait and see on that part too.

I guess that's all for now.  I probably won't be posting for a while until I have some new information.

Until then,
Blessings to you and yours


Consultation Appointment Made

May 19, 2010

I was able to go the the infomational meeting Monday night.  So glad God decided to bless us with my husband going back on days.  He's been on nights for about the past 3 years.  The hand outs stated to call the insurance and make sure it's covered, and if it is to request a copy of the requirements.  Did that and they said it would take 7 to 10 days. 

Called Dr. McKinney's office for a consult and I have one scheduled for June 1st !  I'm so excited. 

Had my weigh in at WW on Tuesday.  Ugh!  Not so good.  I gained 1.4 pounds, but I knew I would.  Not only was I retaining fluid, not only did I have to much cake (between my son's graduation and birthday celebration at church), but I also ate out too much.  I was running all week to get things done for my son's graduation ceremony.  He is / was homeschooled, so we had a private ceremony with me planning it all.  But it was so worth the 1.4 pounds!!

I'm back on track now, and I'm positive I will have a loss next week!

Until then,
Many blessings,

Informational Meeting

May 11, 2010

Well, I working really hard to have this surgery.  I've called Dr. McKinney's office and left a message with Tracy.  She called me back and let me know that the next informational meeting is -get this- Monday, May 17.  How awesome is that.  If I would have called a week later, I would have to wait until the next one which is in June!!!  God is so awesome.  Things are starting to line up.  I know its too early to say that, but right now that's how it feels to me.

I also had my weigh in at WW today.  I lost 4.2 pounds!  Woo-hoo!! I'm so excited.

Until next time -

Next Goal Accomplished

May 04, 2010

Well, I joined WW this morning.  This was my next goal (as if you couldn't tell by the title). 

I weighed in at 267.  Which is actually 4 pounds less than what I thought :) 

So my next goal is to call Dr. McKinney's office and get a consultation set up.  I think I might have to go to the information meeting first, but I'm not sure.  I'll find out when I call. 

I want to get as much stuff done as I can within my 6 months WW venture so that everything will be done when I turn in my predetermination paperwork.

So, until next time.


My First Goal

Apr 29, 2010

Well, I know this doesn't seem like much, but my first goal was to call the insurance and get a benefits book.  Well, I did call, and no book.  But I was smart enough to ask if WLS was covered.  Here's the anser: (in my words)

Not really covered, but has to go through a predetermination.  (YEA!)

Are there requirements for predetermination?

Yes, there are several.  Would you like me to tell you them?

Can you fax them to me?

Will take a couple of days.

Really?  to fax something.  Can you email them? 

Again, it would still take time.

Okay, what are they.

Here are the main ones.
at least 6 consecutive months on a weight loss program (ie:  WW, JC, etc) within 12 months of predetermination,
a psych eval, and some other things. (I kind of wasn't listening after the first part.  Too excited)

So, I asked her to mail me a copy so I could show my doctor.  And I'm making plans to join WW.  My first meeting wil be this Tuesday.  (So excited!!!)

The bad thing was, not really bad, but I did WW last year.  Only 3 months, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways even if I did 6.  I had started in March, so I would have been out of the 12 month span.  OH well.  If I can do 3, I can definitely do 6! 

So, if my calculations are right, and everything gets done while I'm doing my 6 months of WW, I can have my predetermination in after the first part of November.  I don't know how long predetermination will take, but I have my eyes set on surgery the first part of 2011.  Oh, that would be soooo awesome!

I just keep praying that the Lord will open all the doors for me.  I trust in Him to meet all my needs.  And this is definitely one of them.

May God Bless you today.


A New Beginning

Apr 27, 2010

I can't believe it's been a few years since I've been on here.  Wow, time really does fly.

So to update you.  I never got to have the surgery.  Insurance wouldn't pay.

So, we now have a new insurance since Trane was bought out by Ingersoll Rand.  Our insurance now is BC/BS of NJ.  I'm really hoping this one will cover it.  I've gained 30 pounds since my hysterectomy in 2008.  But, my weight gain is not because of that.  It's just me. 

So my first goal is to call my insurance to get a benefits book; something we have not received.

Then, after going through that to see what the exclusions are.  I'm praying daily that weight loss surgery is covered.

So, until next time.

Many Blessings to you

About Me
Tyler, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2006
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 13
