This is what happened to me after having RNY with Dr. Umbach

Apr 14, 2010

I'm 15 months out after RNY with Dr. Umbach (1-7-09) I'm 97 pounds now because he paralyzed my stomach when he cut my Vagas Nerve. He told me he "doesn't do after care." He never told me what happened why I felt so bad why I couldn't stop vomiting, why I kept passing out, nothing all he kept doing was taking back into the operating room fore "exploratory" surgery.
Finally on my 3rd week out I got a second opinion this dr said "this was the worst craftsmanship he has ever seen" and I was "butchered".
OK so Dr. Umbach caused Gastroparisis I have now had 11 corrective surgeries since 1-7-09 all a failure to repair my digestive track and stomach. I spent 50 days last year in the hospital then went home on IV's everyday for 3months.
Then January of this year my body had it (1-26-10) I had to have a gastrectomy surgery. That is where they had to remove my whole stomach, Pylorus, Duodenum, Stoma, large portion of my Small Intestine. While the surgeon (not dr. umbach) was doing the gastrectomy surgery he found I had a Fistula thru my gastric pouch, a hernia, my bowels were twisted so bad he had to do 2 bowel reconstruction. So all that is left is my esophagus is connected to the remaining small intestine. I was gutted like a fish.
I'm 97 pounds I spent 3weeks in the ICU on TPN & Feeding Tube at the same time my prealbumine was an 8 (18 is low 8 is deadly) I have been in the hospital since 1-26-10 and won't be getting out any time soon.  Today is day 79 in a row at the hospital.
So if you want to use Dr. Umbach as your surgeon at Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas this is what happened to me so its your choice. I hope no one else will ever have to go thru what I am. I am grateful when I wake up every day but my quality of life is horrible. I'm 30 years old and will be on a feeding tube up my nose for the rest of my life and I now will live in an acute care facility (old folks home). So please research your Dr it can cost you your life if you don't.

passed my surgeons unrealistic goal

Nov 28, 2009

324   days
7798   hours
467907   minutes
28074420   seconds
It took 324 days to lose 96 pounds. My surgeon (possible the worst gastric surgeon on the face of this earth) gave me a totally unrealistic goal weight of 110 pounds. At the time I tough he had used some kind of medical formula to come up with this number. I thought ok at 110 pounds I will have a healthy weight and a good BMI.
So now 324 days later I weighed in this morning and I was 109 pounds. I calculated my BMI and it's 17.      18.5 is under weight and unhealthy. Not to mention I look like hell this skinny.
I should not be surprised that once again this dr has failed in his wls program. He just pulled that number out of his butt. Why would you tell someone a number and not research the fact that this number puts me in an unhealthy category? Thanks again for screwing with my head some more.
1 comment

Almost died with RNY

Sep 27, 2009

I'ts been almost 9 mounths now since my RNY. To summerize how my life has been since Jan 7th 2009- 50 days in the hospital, 9 corrective surgeries, 3 months of daily IV's after the 50 days in the hospital, physical therophy to re-teach my body how to work after being laid up in the hospital.
This year has been a living HELL. It's not from the type of surgery I had but the surgeon who did this to me. Research your dr well and if you have question you can private message me and I will have more details.


Oct 30, 2008

Well here's where I'm at in this lovely process- Went to the Surgery Seminar- Had my private consult with Dr. Umbach- Lab work done- Pysch sched for Nov.5- Dietian Consult Nov.4- Sleep Study trying to get scheduled with Desert Springs Hospital.

So after mu consult with Dr. U I was so excited but now I'm so nervous. What will it be like to not eat what ever I want? Will my skin sag? Will I look like I'm on drugs? Will my hair fall out?  Will my husband like the skinny me? Will my CFS get better, my depression disappear? Can I get rid of my skin ulcers? (yes pressure ulcers at 28) What size will I be?
So many questions they are all making me so nervous!

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north las vegas, NV
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