Alejandro Gonzalez

I am a 6 feet tall, 41 year old, 305 lbs man. I am happily married to Malena, she was my honey since high school and got married after 10 years dating, we, (as mexican costumes establishes), never lived together until we were properly married. We have two kids: Mary which is the 11 year old swittest girl I have ever met, and Alex my beloved 10 year all boy who is all my pride. I have seen my weight going up since I finished the university meanwhile Malena remained almost as skinny as she has always been.

I am scheduled for bypass surgery on January 14th 2006, with Dr. Manuel Aceves in Guadalajara Mexico. The surgery is going to be through lamparacopy. I am thrilled to change my life after years of fighting with extra lbs. My goal is going from 139 kg to 85 kg (305 - 184 lbs)
In Mexico there are no Insurance Companies covering these kind of surgeries. So, I will have to cover the expenses with the aid of my family.
I would like to apologize in advanced for all the mistakes on my typing and failing on expressing my views and feelings, due to the fact that English is not my native language. Having said that, let's go:

January 14 2006

I had my surgery. Every thing was O.K. I am sore but nothing unbearable. I started to walk same day as surgery.

January 14 - January 23 2006

I have lost 9 kg (20 lbs) no problems with the liquid diet. No reactions at all. Dr Aceves has removed the stitches of my 5 little stab incitions. I have started to walk 3 miles.

January 23 - January 30 2006

No weight loss at all but I reduced my measurments. On Sunday I started with diarrea. Annoying but nothing to complain. The walking continues.

January 31 - February 7 2006

Hi everybody!!! I am very hapy today. I went with my nutriologist and found that I have lost another 5 lbs. it makes a total of 25 lbs in less than a month!!!.
I am looking forward to lose another 5 lbs next week.
Here is the report of this week: No pain at all, no complications at all, I just had a minor problem with a 3 day diarrea, but after consulting Dr Aceves and had medications it disappeared.
I am still walking and starting to feel like a million dollars.

Here are some of the little details that makes my life easier after three weeks of postop:

1.- No more sweatting like a hog. I can make my normal life not feeling that every body is aware on my unclean face covered by sweat.
2.- No more snoring. I am sleeping like a baby. My wife is completly out of her mind not having high loud noises at night.
3.- More mobility. I am not a hare yet, but I certainly am feeling lighter.

Meanwhile I would like to share with you some pictures. I will try to describe my wheight history through this images:

This is me at age of 4. I felt (and was) a chubby boy

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Here I was 18 years old and was very focused on exercise. The other guy is Chuy my coach on weight lifting. I think that this is the time in which I have been the most skinny. I weighed 181 lbs at that time and I wore pants size 32. At that time I had the same height I am right now which is 6 feet tall.

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Here I am with my wife near of the time of our engagement. At that time we were around 25. I was 200 lbs and I used pants size 36.

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Well; this picture was taken at Cypress Gardens in Florida in our Honey Moon in 1991. Weight?: 210 lbs. Pants size: 38. In fact one of my goals is to wear those same pants in few months. (I still have them).

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Here I am just one hour before surgery it is January 14th 2006 and this is my highest weight ever: 305 lbs. I got pans size 50 just two of them exactly the same due to the fact that this is a size not at all standard in Mexico, so, I bought what I found which was two black pans size 50. I am going to keep them just as a souvenir. I do not want to wear them again. Right now I am using pants size 48 again and they are starting to feel loose. Fortunately I have pans all the sizes from 48 to 38. I can't imagine going down than that, but I am certainly looking forward for it.

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I wish you all be well. I hope that God and the Holly Virgin Mary will look after all of you. I will post again next week.

February 8 - February 13 2006

This has been an uneventful week. My diet this week allowed me to eat purees. It wasn't so bad, but to be honest, I feel a little bit tired of this kind of food. I went to my 4th postop visit to day. The report is as follows:

No problems up to the present, no pain, no vomitting but I still feel that I am not at my 100%. I prefer to be cautious in some kind of physical stress like lifting heavy objects for instance. I only have noted my skin dryer. I have never had dried skin, so, I told my nutrionlogist about this and she told me that the dry skin and hair loosing (not me thank God) is because of a definciency of... zinc?, not sure. She asked me to add avocados to my diet which is wonderful because I love them. This week I am allowed to eat soft food as noodles, some kind of fruits as bananas, papaya, cantaloup, boiled apples, pears and ofcourse my avocados. I will keep my chicken and vegetables purees but I don't complain. So far I have been very disciplinned. No cravings at all, just the desire and the vision of a sknnier me that drive my eating conduct.
I have lost another three pounds this week wich makes a total of 29 lbs lost from my highest weight, and 26 from my surgery weight. I do not know if that is too much or nothing at all, for the first month, but for me, it has been wonderful. I really feel good. I am still using pants size 48 but I already took out the ones size 46, its just a mater of days that they are going to fit without problems, right now they feel a little bit stretch.

This is the list of this week of issues that makes my life easier:
1.- I can fasten my seat belt again at the car.
2.- I fit in my car!
3.- My personal look has improved. I had an appointment the other day and one of my suits, one of my shirts and the tie fit me again!. That made me feel more self confident to make my social life easier. I have never allowed my weight to affect me, but to be honest it feels wonderful to present a better me in front of people.
4.- People has started to congratulate me for my weight loosing. That feels terrfic but I am looking forward to show a normal size me.

Tomorrow is going to be one month after surgery, I will post my before and after pictures. Meanwhile I wish you all the Blessings from God and the Holly Virgin Mary.

February 14th 2006

I would like to post some before and after pictures, the after pictures were taken today having 29 pounds down:

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I will post next week. God and the Holly Virgin Bless all of you.

February 21st 2006

The past week was very interesting. My diet included soft solid food which was very dificult to use to get in my pouch. I think that I ate eather too fast or too much because in three times the pouch started to hurt pretty badly. Othe problem was that the purees were too much for me. I needed real food, and every thing caused me nausea. Nothing I couldn't handle, Thank God, but not very funny.

Thank God, I ever had my avocados, and liquid food, beside the cottage cheese, etc. I already continued walking, I did it four days of the week.

At the positive side I must say that yesterday I went with my nutrionist and officialy I am weighting 269 pounds, it means that I have 36 pounds off in five weeks!. I also started with a normal diet, I am allowed to eat normal food in five meals:

07:30 Breakfast
11:00 Morning Snack
14:30 Lunch
17:00 Snack
21:00 Dinner

Perhaps I should tell you that the heaviest meal in Mexico is not dinner but lunch.

I also had a support meeting with postop people at the bariatric center I am going here in Guadalajara. It was very interesting although almost every body were women. I had some pictures of it, as soon as I load them at the hard disk I will post them.

Mean while I am going to share with you some pictures from 2002 when I went to Milan Italy for business and I had the opportunity to visit the city. At that time I was almost as heavy as the day I had my surgery. After that travel I dieted and lost several pounds, which I recovered with time. It is very rare to find pictures of me due to the fact that I hated to see my obese self in them. In fact, the reason I dieted after this travel mainly was because of these pictures.

You can see here very clearly how obese I was. I was in an Italian Trattoria:
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In these other ones, you can see me walking around the city (which was beautiful):
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I will post again soon..... See ya!!!!

March 06 2006

I am very happy today!!! I went to my nutritionist, and to my Dr's visit after a period of two weeks, and I am doing it very well. To day I am 260 lbs. It means that I've got 45 lbs. off me in just 6 weeks!!!.

I feel really good 20 kg (45 lbs) is a lot of weight off. I am on an almost normal diet now. I still have problems with some kind of dishes. Some days it goes very smooth, but some others I am puking every thing. It happens so far when I am trying chicken soup, or some other kind of dishes. I think I am not doing my home work as I should. I have had several kind of fish prepared in different ways including tuna, mahi-mahi (is that the name?), etc. and fish seems to be the favorite for my pouch. Vegetebles are not a problem neather fruits. I will post some pictures on my two month party after surgery!!!

Just as a comment, I am living my life in an easier way, I am certainly having some problems but nothing to worry about, and I know they are temporal....For all the new guys thinking on this surgery, do not hesitate much, the reward is much greater that the unconfortabilities.....

Posting back soon!!!!

March 12 2006

Hi every body!!!:

It's a wonderful sunday here in Guadalajara. I woke up today and went direct to the scale.... and guess what?.....I have another 6.5 lbs off me!!!, making a total of 51.5 lbs down since my starting and top weght 4 days before surgery!!!

Now I'm weighting 253.5 lbs (115 kgs). On March 14th I am going to be 2 months postop. I am going to post pictures on that day.

Personal comments so far: My health is wonderful, no problems so far. The major issue has been the learning to eat slowly and in little bits of food. So far I have had problems with certain kind of dishes that I was very used to eat, like certain kind of chicken soup, and beef. Now fresh cheese is the better friend of my pouch so far. I have tasted chicken, and if its is grilled I have no problem, fish seems like no problem too although I had to vomited a little bit of grilled fish on friday, but it was a little bit dry. Weekend has been uneventfull though.

I have changed my look too, I started to comb my hair properly again, and not just to stick it to my head. I started to use more clothes that I had reserved. I feel wonderful!!!.

Just another little comment, yesterday I visited a group of friends and they were very kind to compliment me for my loosing of weight. The told me I had taken off me 5 years. I also drank my first beer since surgery (just one) and no problems. Although I have no habit on drinking beer I enojoyed it!!!.

Have a beautifull day. I will post soon with new pictures of my new thiner look!!!

March 14th 2006

Well, today is my 2nd "monthaversary". I can't believe that just two months ago, I still was in the surgery room!. An now I have more than 50 lbs. off me.

My wife took some pictures this morning of me. I would like to share them with you. When I looked them I realized I still have a long way to go. I feel thinnier than I really am!!!

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Here are my three Pictures so far:

First one I was 305, second I was 276 and the last one today 253 lbs. All of them were taken on the 14th of Jan, Feb and March.

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I also want to share a picture of the support group we have here in Guadalajara. The little, skinny (and beautiful) girl sitted at the center is Betty our Nutritionist

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Positive feed back is always welcome. I will post up soon!!!

March 21st 2006

Today is hollyday in Mexico. We are celebrating the birthday of one of our biggest support in Mexico's history, Don Benito Juarez and also the entrance of the spring.

I am still doing very good. The problems on food have been going away, I can have problems if I eat fast, or trying new dishes. But I haven't had vomiting problems for several days. It is easier for me to take good decitions about food. We had visits from Mexico City the last weekend, a girlfriend of my wife came with her family tospend a weekend here in Guadalajara. We went to restaurants and I am proud to say that I always ate what I had to do.

In fact I have lost another 4 pounds, now I am weighting 249 (113 kg).

Last week several kind people from the men's board made very good comments about my city. So, taking advantage of the visit, I took some pictures that I would like to share with you. Mostly the are from us and our beautiful city. I hope you like them.

Here you can see the Cathedral of Guadalajara and the Degollado Theater which is the opera house. They are examples of the most characteristic buildings in town:

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In this one, you can see us (Me, my wife Male, Lety her all life long friend and Felipe her Husband). We are at La Cantina de los Remedios which is a very fancy cantina in which you can spend time with friends:

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In these other ones, you can see my two kids in different sites of the Downtown of Guadalajara:

This is my daughter Mary in front of one monument commemorating one aspect of our histoy on hero saving the life to other hero (Benito Juarez):
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This is Alex my son in front of a fountain in Plaza Tapatía
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This one has been taken in front of the Hospicio Cabañas at the Downtown in Guadalajara:
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These ones were taken at Tlaquepaque wich is another town which is very well known for its very fine handcrafts:

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And this one was taken at the Parian here in Tlaquepaque which is the biggest cantina in the world:

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As you can see, the weather here in Guadalajara has been wonderful. A lot of comments have come about the chilling weather at the North....Well that's life, we are suffering here with the bright sun and the temperature around 75 oF.

I will post back soon!!!

March 25th 2006

I can not believe it!!! I have lost another 4 lbs..... I am weighting 245 lbs. I am exactly at half the way in just 2 and a half months. I have lost exactly 60 lbs. and I have to loose another 60 more. I know that with the time it is going to be harder and harder, but I don't care.... I have settled my goal and I am going to hit it!!!. So far, I have no loose flesh yet around my waist or tighs. I am wishing to be fotunate enough and not needing plastic surgery.... time will say.... Have a great one..... I am having it.... By the way weather incredibly beatiful in Guadalajara, if somebody is thinking to spend vacations, you should think in Guadalajara or Puerto Varllarta as an option... (Puerto Vallarta is a beach around is so beautiful than Liz Taylor used to have a house there, in fact thanks to her it is so famous).....

Post back soon......

April 1st 2006

Well here I am, another week has gone, and 2.5 lbs have left me too. Now I am weighting 242.5 lbs (110 kgs). and 62.5 lbs (28.5 kgs) are off me for ever. I am feeling really good. And to be honest the atraction to not very healthy food is coming back. Thanks God it is much easier to control that feeling than before the surgery. Today I went to the movies with my son to see the Iced Age 2 and enjoyed half of a medium package of popcorn. The other half was eaten by my son. It is not a concience problem to me. Half of a package that is not Jumbo or Big is a huge difference to me. I ate the popcorn very slowly and not handfulls of it every two seconds. So I was a little bit indulgent with me, but I know I can come back to the good path without problems.

Now, let's see, the weekly report is very good. I haven't had much problems with food this week. I ate almost a normal diet, choosing the right things to eat every day. I have had to eat slow and easy, and the vomiting almost disappear this week. I visited my former work place and my parteners there were very surprised to see my loosing of weight. I went to my university this week too. I had some stuff to do there. I haven't been there for almost ten years, and I tood advantage to the visit to look for old aquaintanses. I found an old professor that told me (he is near of 80 years) "Hey I know you, but what have you done to haven't change at all after all these years"!!!! He, he, he! If he knew..... I have change a lot in the past few months......people have been saying to me that I have lost several years with the loosing of weight, now I can see that that is true after my old professor told me.....

Well may God and the Holly Virgin Mary will protect all of you. I will post soon.

April 10th 2006

Here I am. It has flown another week and no change on my weight. I was expecting this. The scale is bouncing from 238 to 245. To day I went with Bety my nutritionist and her scale marked 245, so, I am keeping that as an official weight. Not bad at all in an overall month, I have lost over 7 kg in this month and my waist is 10 cm down. I do not want to make a big deal that I have been weighting the same kgs. over three weeks. I am focusing on what I have to do. I have a new diet today, Bety says that I was eating not enough. She gave me a diet with 1300 cal. per day. I hope this is going to help me out to continue with the loosing.

The report this week is good. The vomiting seems like history so far. I am learning that eating the meals is not just a matter of chew, chew, chew, and eating in small bites, but another VERY important factor is TIME. I have tasted everything this week and if I eat it SLOWLY I will not have any problems. I used to eat a huge ammount of food in 15 minutes, so, these days that I see my little portion of food and having to eat it in over 1 hr makes me desperate, but I have to learn to do it the right way!!!. I have to wait over three minutes between mouthfulls.

Hunger is coming again, not funny some times, I hope that the new diet will keep me off of tentations. I still feel strong because I have commited to myself to behave and to focus on my goal (184 lbs seems so far sometimes!).

Well that's it I will post back soon, meanwhile I would like to share with you more pictures of my family. We had a wedding last saturday. My cousin Rodrigo Ponce married to a wonderful girl named Daniela. We are very proud of him because he was the first mexican (along with a partner) to climb the Everest!

Here I am with the broom and the bride. My uncle Jaime is with us, he is Rodrigo's father.
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In this one you can see part of the family. All of us are cousins with the bride and Uncle Jaime.
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Here We are, all the siblings: My Brother Ramón, Me and My sisters Lucy, Claudia, Fabiola and Florencia. We are arranged from older to younger.
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My father Ramón, My mother Luz and my youngest sister Florencia
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Me and my cousins Marimar and Marcela, Rodrigo's little sisters
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Me alone (what a difference without two beauties, I do not look as well)
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Well that's it. I will post back soon. May God and the Holly Virgin Mary Bless you all.

Have a great week.

I'll post back soon....

April 28th 2006

Hi every body!!! Too much stuff happening here at home. Economics are not good. I couln't affort the rent of the little apatament we were living in and we had to get out of it. My wife and kids are living with her sister and I went to my parent's home. That is sad, embarasing for me. I hope God and the Holly Virgin Mary will enlighten me to get out of this hole my life is right now. My loosing weight is awesome, I feel very good (physically talking), I am now size 42 on my pants. I will post pictures soon. Please, Please!!! pray for me and my family.

May 1st 2006

Not much to report. I am now 231 pounds. Weight is still going down. I am keeping my goal no matter what happens in my life.
No more episodes of vomiting. Eating in completly normal, just I am doing the right decitions, and eating very slowly. Some times when I am in a hurry, I can experience difficulties but nothing to complain. Still looking for a way out of my situation. I have Faith in God and the Holly Virgin. If I had a way out to obesity, I will find a way out to my economic situation.

Have a great week

May 14th 2006

A lot of changes in my body is happening. I am startint to look like a normal person!!! No more obesity for me. Just as a funny thing I tryed to fit into my old size 50 pants.... Ooooooh My Goodness what a change in just 4 months. By the way today I am 4 month postop and doing awesome. I am now at 225 I have lost 80 pounds and 40 more to go if I want to reach my personal goal. So far the change is amazing. My wife and I are so happy for the change. I am living a normal life. The forty pounds to go are just for stetics more than for necessity because so far I have a new life. I can run, I can fit in any sit, I can do what ever I want. The only cloud hiding happiness is my economical situation, I am not living with my family right now, but I am following the path God put me into. So I am confident is a matter of time I will be able to rejoin with family. So far my personal appareance is really good which is an advantage for the task I am having now. I took pictures today, I will post them later in the week. Feeling strong, not much food intake (which is a problem with mother, she says it is not healthy for me to eat so little). I am going to consult with Betty my Nutritionist next week to verify how much is little. To be honest I am not eating breakfast correctly just orange juice. I am having a proper lunch an dinner. No idea on how much calories is that.....but no hungry at all, no cravings in fact I have to struggle to eat...that is no problem, food is no longer controling me!!!!

Four months and I am using pants size 42 over my navel and feeling good. My target is pants size 34 or 32 and I am calculating that at 185 I will be using 34's. So far I am not needing plastic surgery I will post some pictures to ask for opinions.

Have a great week!!! Please pray for me and my family....

Well as promised here are the pictures at four months:

Here I am using the biggest pants I ever wore, what a difference four months of good choices can make isn't it?

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Here you can check it out.... Pants size 42, I have to go all the way down to pants 34 or 32 it seems so far yet....No matter that I am feeling wonderful!!!

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May 21st. 2006

Well every thing goes the same. I am enjoying a healthy life. Every single day I am feeling better and better. I am working to go out of my economic situation. I hope to start to have results in short time.

The weekend has gone and was very good. Some of the guys at the men's board asked me to post more pictures of the beatiful girls in my family. So taking advantage of other event I am posting these ones:

My weekend started on Saturday when I went to pick one of my cousin from the airport. She arrived from Mexico city. She is not just beautiful but inteligent and I am so proud of her because she is a real woman who sticks to her values. I love you girl.... I wish you will find what you are looking for.....

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Then I went to my nieces's First Comunion (they are my sister Claudia's girls) It was a beautiful event. Here you can see the whole family:

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In this one are all the grand children (My daughter is the tallest and my son is wearing a blue suit):

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and at last here are three of my sisters and some of their friends....

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Have a nice week. I will post again soon. Mean while I wish that God and the Holly Virgin Mary bless you.......

June 11 2006

Dark times. I am strugguling with some very strange issues. I am so confuse now. I have read a lot about how WLS makes you deal with issues that you are not used to. My weight loss in awesome, I am now 216. I am in contact with some people at the January 2006 board and at the Men's board.

It is SO important to me to have comunication with people is important to me.

Gary if you read this, I am praying for your health men. It hurts me so bad to know that a good friend is suffering of cancer. God is good to us always. Have faith on Him!!!

I would like to share here that I have found some very good friends here. I can't express how important is the friendship of them.

From the January Board:

Chele: You are such a nice and supportive friend.
Jersey Mom: I love your posts and positive attitude.
Rona: My beloved Godmother.
Steph: My good, good friend in love with a Latin Lover for herself.
Kristi: My respect always for you. Jen: Another wonderful and supportive sweet friend.
Jaci: Oh my sweet, sweet young girl. I wish you to reach your goals in life.
Kay: Your sincerity always is at hand. Thankyou.
Cara: I miss you so much. I hope you read this. I want you to know that there are people who remembers you.
Suzan, Jen, Ann, Marsha Ann, Karla, Carly, all of you girls you have showed me so much love....

From the Men´s forum:
Dx: My admiration for you man, I have known so little people with your desire to help others.
Buck eye and Scott: The bests posts I have seen in the board are coming from you guys. Keep up supporting to others the way you are doing.
Dan: My friend. I hope you will be out of health problems soon. I enjoy to have the support from a caring man as you are....
Padre: My Goodnes man you don't know the good you have brought to my life with your spiritual aproach to my problems. My respects to you, God bless you man.
Randall, Dave Jhavoo, Lamont, Magic Dan, Joe, Bob, George, Larry, all of you my friends you have made me feel important and welcome in a strange world like a forum was for me before I came to the men's board.

I have decided to take some time to rearrange some personal issues. I love my life in a lot of ways but some stuff had gone out of my control. There have been some events around me that have hit me in a way that I don't like or control. I have to set my way. My loss of weight has been so dramatic, I can hardly manage it. I know that some people that have had the surgery the same time are struggling with their own demonds. I hope and want to be supportive with all of them.

I decided to stop posting for few days meanwhile I rearrange my mind and feelings. But this forum is so important to me that I can't go away for very long time.

The main issues lately is to deal with success in my weight loss. I know that the same is happening with some peers. Because we had taken decitions in search for appreciation on what we have accomplished. We know that we are atractive now. And we love that, but we need to stop and manage that success and take good decitions.

Oh man I am so stupid!!!

I will post back soon

June 16 2006

Today I feel SO good! I think I have gone out of a deep depretion I had. Today I decided to throw away certain issue that really wasn't important for my real life, so I let them go.

On june 14th was my 5th monthsaversary. I am feeling SOOOOO good. I am using now pants size 38. When I look at me at the mirror I like what I see, but when my wife takes a picture I still am in the willing to loose another40 pounds.
I am weighting 215 pounds now (98 kg). I am still adjunting to my new life. I still am an obese person in my mind although my body is doing very good. Today I went to a festival my children had at school celebrating the Father's day. They only had those nasty chairs made of plastic. In one moment I thought: "Hey where is my cell phone?", and surprise I had it hanged at my side. I was sitting in an armchair with my cell pinned there!!!. I usually avoided this chairs because were too small for me!!!

I am posting my 5th months pictures here.

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I would lika to share some pictures from a camping I had with my children last week. It was a beautiful place. We stayed at the shore of a river which had thermal waters. My children loved it!!!

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Here is my daughter anjoying the warm water:

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And in this one my son is with one of his friends. Here the water was pretty hot. This site was perhaps a mile from the campament.

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My problems are still the same. I have my family away, but without the depretion I can see how beautiful my life is. I have to focuse my time in get away of this situations.

See you soon!!!

June 17 2006:

Oh my Goodness!!! What a day!!!

All the family went to visit the local Zoo!!

We had the best time!!!

And I had a personal milestone hit!!! I wore today the same outfit I showed you in the picture at our honey moon!!!

Please feel free to make your comments all are very welcome!!!

Here is me in my Honey Moon outfit!!!!

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Same picture but on my profile:

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My son Alex:

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Mary feeding a Jiraffe!!!

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Me with Mary and the Jiraffe called Rafaela!!!

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This one was taken in a show I was asked to participate. Yes it is a baby cocodrile in my hands!!!

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And at last me and the polar bear!!!

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I will post back soon.

By the way I have lost another 2 kilos this week It is aprocimately 5 pounds!!!

Best Wishes to all of you!!!


August 19 2006

This is the longest time I had without posting. I have been working trying to get out of economical problesm This month looks pretty good in business terms. My weight loss is not bad. I am now 200 pounds. just 15 more to my goal weight....

I hope I will hit my goals very soon.... I will joing to my family and I will be in 185 lbs.

Hope I will post soon again.

Just a note: I do not regret the surgery at all. I have the best life (physically talking) in many, many years.... I can do what ever I want or need to do. My body is not a barrier any more to enjoy life. My self esteem is higher now....


September 30 2006

Well I am now nine and a half months out of surgery... Yesterday I went to visit Bety my WLS nutritionist... she was impresed with my look... she really made me feel good.... she just released me; I have no necessity to follow up any more treatment from the bariatric center... she adviced me to follow up a 1800 calories diet... she told me to well balance my diet to avoid any bounce up... which I do not pretend to do...

I am less than a year out of surgery and am practically in my targert weight... I weighted 194 today in the morning... my target is 184... 10 more pounds to go... and 10 bellow my nutritionist target. Honestly I could give a damn for those 10 pounds to go... I am feeling so fine now... no hanging skin... no secondary effects... just enjoying my life...

By the way... I am starting to harvest the fruits of my job... I am looking a light at the end of the tunnel... I hope I will be out of economic trouble very soon... I hope in God that every thing will come as I am planning...

a Brief summary of my statistics would be:

Weight : Before: 305 After: 194
BMI : Before: 43 After: 27
Pants size: Before: 50 After: 36
% of Fat Before: 58% After: 24%

Here are two pictures of me taken today...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I will keep this site updated regularly at least once a month...

October 11th 2006

Well here I am again... my life is getting better... my professional carreer is moving in the right way... I am still loosing weight... now I am in 187, practically at goal, but not very happy about it... I will have to check my blood levels to be sure that everything is alright...

I feel really happy with the results... but not wanting to loose any more weight... I need to develop more muscle... I am becoming from being obese to really skinny... and I don't like that... I want a lean but yet muscled body...

Well see you soon... God Bless all of you...

November 5 2007

It has been one year without any post. I still am struggling with finances, but at least I have my family with me. It has happened a lot in this year. I am mantaining my weight but I have changed a lot. I used to think that all my problems will fade away with my extraweight but oh sad reality!!! my problems are still here and perhaps they are larger than before.

In this year I have done good and bad stuff. What is really important to me is that I have managed to keep my family with me.

I decided to come back to the January 2006 forum after one year of not participating actively in it. I felt a little bit shy at the beginning but after realized that almost at the same time some of my good friends were popping out there too as Dawn and A.J. I felt more comfortable.

This week for first time I received a mail that was disgusting. I was a hate male atacking me, my roots and my religion. I decided not to make it of importance but I wrote an open letter at the forum. The response of the people was overwhelming. I felt so full of love with all the beautiful messages from there that I almost thanked the hate mail... lol!!!
And ofcourse so fat the sender is desappeared, which was expected...

I will come back soon I promise!!!

January 2011

I haven't post for years. My life has had up and donwn in all these years. My family is fine, I recovered my personal life again. We changed our home to a little town called Jilotepec. I worked here for almost three years and enjoyed economical stability during this time. Once again due to the world wide crisis I have lost my job. I am not complaining. I hope that my personal plans will end up in a little company owned by my self. Five years ago I had my surgery and still am under control. I am weighing 190 lbs. My lowest was 182 but I felt really bad at thas level. I had to recover some weight to have energy to keep the pace of life. I am happy with the surgery results. I am healthy and haven't had any problems. I have kept comunication with some of my peers through Facebook and I know that some of them are fine and some others are having problems.

Next January 26th will be my 5th surgiversary... life is not easier but without all the overweight I use to have I really feel fine and ready to confront life.

I expect to post again next year, although the news are more in the life of a normal persona than the news of somebody lossing weight...


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About Me
Zapopan, Ja
Feb 01, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Well Here I am just 1 hour before surgery.....on January 14th 2006
October 2007. I am celebrating one year whith the same weight

Friends 11
