Hi I'm Annette but my friends call me 02.  I start this journey at 39 yrs old and stand 5'4.  My story is mostly like everyone else.  I have been overweight all my life.  After back surgery in "95" I have gained more weight because of the limited amount of physical activity.  I had my second daughter in ''99". I struggled even harder to lose weight. I have tried every diet under the blue moon.  Yeah I loss some weight but it always came back and with extra.  I have been called names and looked at funny most of my life.  I remember has a kid my mother would make us eat all of our food on your plate or we couldnt get up from the table.  Food was always a reward in our family also.  Both my sister and I have serious weight problems.  Overweight runs through our family along with high cholestal, high blood pressure and strokes.   I want to be around to see my grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  I brouhgt up the surgery to my family doctor and she said lets do some test because BMI can not be the only issue.  So I went through some testing and I have sleep apnea and got referred to a spine specialist.  The spine doctor did some blood work and MRI's and so many questions.  I have numerous problems now with my back because of the excess weight.  I told him that I have been referred to a surgeon in the bariatric dept and he said that would be the best thing for me at this point.  I am on too many medications for multiple problems relating to the weight issue.  I have now after all these years asthma.  I hate clothes shopping.  My 17 year old daughter loves to shop and she wants me to go and fun with her.  I can not do all the walking and the sizes I wear dont come in anything cute.  So I'm usually depressed more when I get home.  Let alone all the stares by people.  I have been looking into the surgery a little over 2 years.  I have 2 friends that have had it done and they seem to be living life with their children.  I want to just once in my life feel good about looking in the mirror and live life to the fullest.  8/31/07

About Me
San Leandro, CA
Aug 28, 2007
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