
Mar 23, 2009

I am still waiting to hear what the next stage is for my surgery.  I have been done with my pre-appointments for a month now and the surgeon's office has yet to submit my paperwork to the insurance company.  I have been working with a lady from the insurance company for the past 6 months.  So, I called and asked her if she had heard from the surgeon's office.  She said no, that if she got the paperwork today she would approve it tomorrow!  So what gives surgeons office!!!!!  When i called and asked they said they were very busy.  Whatever.  So I guess in my case the hold up is not with the insurance company dragging their feet, its with the surgeons office dragging theirs.

Anyway, now that I am done ranting I have to tell what I did.  I got permenant make-up!  Lips and brows.  It hurts like the devil now and is very bright /dark.  But from everything I have read and from the lady that did it, told me that is typical.  Your skin apparently absorbs the ink over the course of a week and it will mellow.  I will submit before and after's when everything heals in caze anyone out there is interested in permenant cosmetic tatoos.


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 20, 2007
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