Got home yesterday...

Dec 10, 2009

Well, my surgery was at noon on the 7th.  I got there hella early.  I got there at 9:30.  I didnt even sit in the waiting room.  They brought me striaght back and got me reay.  At that point I got scared.  The guy next to me was the patient before me.  So I knew when they took him back.  Then before I knew it....all the dr's came and talked to me.  So I knew that it was coming even sooner.  i kept think that something was going to happen that I couldnt have the surgery.  But nothing did.  Then they gave me some of this antibiatic.  Got in the OR and scotted over......AND that is ALL i remember.  I dont know what they gave me but it put me out....No counting backwards or nothing. 
Next thing I remember I was in my room with my mom and step dad.  I dont remember the recovery room at all.  Knowing me I had to confirm that it was actually  So I asked my mom what the Drsaid.  He said that everthing went great. I was on a morphine drip and that was great.  But surprising they I wasnt in that much pain.  Everything went well and now Im home. 
Oh and the staff and the hospital was GREAT!


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 19, 2009
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