
Aug 28, 2007

Went to my doctor for a check up, although she didn't remember she'd asked me to come back, so i asked her to resign my OHIP forms so i could switch my approval to Dr. Graber.  She did no contest, which was cool. I'll fax those off tomorrow. Hopefully OHIP doesn't give me a hard time about switching surgeons.

I still haven't heard from Dr. Posner's office, but i got a surprise from Dr. Graber's office. A package with info and some stuff to fill out before i go for my consultation on Sept 17th. I'm glad his office is so on the ball. Makes me feel more confident in him. ALthough  i have no doubt Dr. Posner is capable, his offices slowness is sort of frustrating.

I haven't told my dad yet about my decision to have WLS. My mom knows, and she's supportive. My dad though, he's a bit of a funny duck. He has specific ideas about how he thinks things should be, and if you don't agree you're obviously not thinking the right way. He's always been blunt about how he feels about me or anyone else in the family being overweight, and i honestly can't see the words "i'm happy for you and i support your decision" coming out of his mouth. I expect an argument. He still tends to treat me like i don't know how to make decisions for myself.  So, i'm deciding whether to tell him after or before my consultation. I"m leaning towards after consult before surgery. Def before the surgery.

*sigh*. enough for today

Meanwhile back at the ranch

Aug 22, 2007

So, i went away for a week to Texas (awesome time by the way) Come home, and still no word from Dr. Posner's office. I'd thought after a week perhaps they'd have had time to review my paperwork and let me know if there's a seminar coming up on september or not. (silly me)

Being the impatient princess that i am, i've taken it upon myself to put some feelers out to other surgeons.  I've heard lots of good things about Dr. Graber, so i went to his site and filled out his application online and got a response the same day (today) to schedule a consult. Which is Sept 17th.  

My stomach did a flip flop. I can't believe that i will get in with a consult with Dr. Graber before i'd even have a chance at getting into the seminar with Dr. Posner. Dr. Graber seems to have a system down pat for Canadian folks too, and it makes me feel better they understand the deadlines we have from OHIP. 

Finally i feel like i'm getting somewhere. I haven't decided if i'm going to wait to see Dr. Graber before i re-send my OHIP paperwork or wait till after, but i'm tempted to do it before, since step one is already happening faster with him than with Dr. Posner. Such a shame it's such a travel into the states..

Keep ya posted..

step THIS! argh

Aug 10, 2007

So i called Malissa @ Dr. Posner's office today and she said i'm still in the pile for the Nurse Practitioner to approve, but i def wouldn't make it in for the Aug. Seminar. :(  She'd mentioned she'd already overbooked it and she wasn't sure they would have one in Sept for sure so it could be October before i even get in for the seminar.  I was so disappointed. I'm already approved by OHIP, that's a whole 3 months wasted of my approval period.  I know it's not her fault or even the doctors if they're busy, i was just hoping things would move along quicker, and i wouldn't have to worry about my approval time running out and having to reapply. 

It's almost taken all the excitment out of going away. I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Texas to visit a friend for 8 days. I need this vacation so bad. Well.. now all i can do is wait for my application to get approved and the phone call from Dr. Posner's office to tell me when i'm going to get in. *mope*

step 3.5

Aug 07, 2007

Yeah..i bumped it to 3.5

I don't know if i'm doing this like a 12 step program to weight loss, but anyway..

I called Malissa @ Dr. Posner's office, who FINALLY was in, and she said she had gotten my second faxed paperwork, but now i have to wait as there's another woman who reviews and approves all the applications before i know if i'm scheduled for the next seminar with is Aug 23rd. Argh! That's only 2 /2 weeks away. She said it only takes a day to do it, but sounds like she's a busy lady. I REALLY hope i hear something before i go to Texas on Saturday. I'll be gone for  8 days, and come back the week of the seminar. I'll be so disappointed if i get bumped to the September seminar. That's 2 months of my 6 month approval period from OHIP wasted then.  This is exactly why i wasn't more excited when i got my approval, i'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Man..i hate all this waiting and paperwork..

Step 3..and 3.1

Jul 27, 2007

Well i got my approval letter today..not bad 2 weeks. The impatient one is satisfied lol

I'm glad that i don't have that anxiety on me, but now i have a line up of others. One being that i have to re-fax my application forms to Dr. Posner which is more a pain than a problem. The other is that the approval is only good for 6 months and i'm anxious to make sure everything falls between that timeline. It would suck be half way through and have to reapply to OHIP.

I dunno, maybe it's because i've had a long frustrating week, but i don't feel as excited as i should. Maybe it just needs time to sink in. Maybe i just need a nap. I should be rejoicing.. instead i'm anxious for the rest. Ah well. 


Step 2.1

Jul 24, 2007

I went back to the doc's for a check up today since i've had a week on my increased dosage of indapamide, she said my blood pressure was down which is good. No word on the progress of my OHIP application. I know i know it's only been a week, but i was hopefull it would as quick as some of the other people on here. I emailed Dr. Posner's contact about all the paperwork i sent there too. Hopefully i get a response from someone soon. So impatient..

Step 2

Jul 16, 2007

Today, because i had no other choice, i went on my lunch hour to my doctors. With my old family doctor that would have been impossible because you would wait hours for him, with or without an appointment. I was still 10 mins late coming back to work but that's ok. She had just seen me last week, but as it's only my 2nd visit she didn't recognize me to begin with. But i got my forms signed, and hte paper for Dr. Posner so i could fax my stuff off to get signed up for his next seminar.

The OHIP form i was slightly worried about because the doctor said to leave blank what kind of tissue damage would be resulting from failure to approve the surgery and it's all in my printing except for her signature, which she didn't care about but i hear OHIP can be sticklers for patient over involvement when it comes to the forms. We'll see.  I think there was something I left out of the Dr. Posner package too, but i sent 10 pages as it is. I'm sure they'll let me know if i haven't included something they need.

Now i have to wait. Wait on OHIP and wait on Dr. Posner's office in Buffalo. I can be as impatient as i can be patient. I'm sure i'll be impatiently waiting for a reply, one way or another. I tend to lean towards Cynical and negative to alleviate any impending disappointment..but there's that nugget of hope. Here's hoping!

Oh yeah..the doctor upped my doseage of indapamide and said my cholesterol was high on the bloodwork i had done on Friday, that's not good..hmm.

step 1

Jul 10, 2007

Today my friends i did what i didn't really think would happen. I found a family doctor.  I moved to Brampton 2 years ago, and yes have neglected to see a family doctor all that time. That's what walk-in clinics are for after all. Anyway. The last 3 weeks i've been searching for a family doctor who is taking patients and finally i went to one today who IS actually taking some.  I sat nervously in the waiting room. I had a couple concerns actually. My knees have been hurting for the last couple months..really badly sometimes too. Most likely weight related.  So in walks Dr. Hennes, she looked pleasant..and also overweight. I mentioned my knees and then i brought up gastric bypass. Being overweight herself she understood my request. She weighed me in, and low and behold i'm 336 1/2lbs.. (yuck) She tried to sway me to lap-band as i'm young and it's reverseable and has lower risks and is less intrusive, but i knew it wasn't covered by OHIP and i told her i'd researched the risks and would prefer gastric bypass. She agreed to sign my forms. SHE AGREED TO SIGN MY FORMS!!! just like that. She sent me for blood work since it'd been such a long time since my last check up. I'll get that done this week and then go back next week with my forms. I'll have to take my paperwork from Dr. Posner as well so that she can fill out what they want from a doctor. That concerns me a bit since she's just my new doctor and they might want to talk to her about long term histroy, ah well.   I'll do what i can and keep hopes up.

Till later, Ciao

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 13, 2007
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Last summer in Montana
aprox 320lbs

Friends 45

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1 year surgiversary
eleven..umm..can't think of anything good for eleven
10 - me and Bo Derek
Nine means no in German
Ate Eight
