Loosers bench here I come!!!

Dec 26, 2006

After all the run around from OHIP, I have been approved!!! I just can't believe it and what a wonderful present for christmas! The whole thought of it all has yet to sink in... The lady from Dr. Kam's office at barix called me today, as i am shopping at the outlets in windsor, I was so extremely in shock! I couldn't really be to excited b/c of being in a public place and I was shopping with my boyfriends mother and
i have chosen not to tell to many people until it was completely official ... so I had to completely keep my cool until I came home this afternoon!  I am just high on life ... I cannot wait until i can be on the loosers bench ... I am getting a little nervous now, just thinking about everything... hoping that the surgery will go ok and recovery! I can't wait for a surgery date....

err OHIP makes me angry!

Dec 21, 2006

ok so heres what happened ... i told you that my pcp faxed a letter off to kingston .. i called OHIP today and they said they never received the fax ....soo i called my pcp office they were so upset, they felt so bad for me... anywho they faxed they paperwork again and Bev Lyman called me and told me she gave the medical consultant my paper and i would here something by next week ! so i'll know either way before the new year ....  heres me still hoping i get approved!


Dec 14, 2006

well i called my pcp today there office said that they faxed some stuff off to the guy in kingston and that they had not heard anything yet... so i think that is a good thing b/c if they answer was a no then i would know already , so i'm trying to be positive because i really do not want to have to go through the appeal process and if it means that i have to sit on pins and needles for a few days wondering whats going on its worth it... i hope that they get back to my pcp tomorrow or its going to be a long weekend... but no news is good news i have to keep telling myself.... :) so i'll just have to hold on to that and if it doesn't go the way i want it to right now , my pcp is on board and is willing to write a letter to OHIP 

thats all for now .. hopefully the next time i post its to say i was approved!

spoke with my pcp AGAIN! :-)

Dec 12, 2006

ok so my pcp just called me again ...  I never thought i would be able to speak with my dr so many times in a day... I am never getting rid or her.. i can't believe she would go to such lengths jsut to get me an answer.. i'm still a little peeved that she didn't send off my comorbidities before but shes only human... i've calmed down much more since my first post...now i'm just upset ... its just one more set back 

she said she talked to the same person I spoke with this morning the women at OHIP gave my pcp a number to fax off my comorbidities and listing that i have tried and failed at other diet attempts... Apparently if they did not send out the denial letter yet... which as far as i know i was just denied.  then there maybe hope for me yet.. if the person reviewing my application gets the fax and understanding this then i maybe in luck!!! 

keep me in your prayers! I need all the help i can get.....

spoke with my pcp...

Dec 12, 2006

I just spoke with my pcp she called at 2pm.  She said she spoke with someone at OHIP they told her that I had been denied, which i already knew.  then they told her that she may be able to add information to my application.  they gave her a number to someone else that worked on my file, someone in kingston.  She left a message there and shes going to call me as soon as she knows what is going on. If not we'll just have to send in an appeal.  what a process i tell you....i just hope all of this run around is worth it in the long run. 


Dec 12, 2006

so i guess it was a good thing that I called OHIP because I was denied! they called me this morning at 9am.  I then called my pcp office to have my pcp call me.  So she called me and she is going to call OHIP and see if they can reverse it, because I do infact have comorbidities, unfortunatly she thought that co morbidities were only things like diabetes and heart disease etc.  so i am praying and hoping that things get resolved with out me going through a lengthy appeal process! I want to be approved so badly.  If I do need to go through the appeal process my pcp said she would write a letter listing all the neccessary details.  i wish she would have done that before... nothing i can do about it now.

do they not think that a BMI of 47 is high enough!  and its just going to get higher.. i mean there is like a 10-15 lb difference to make me have a BMI of 50 well to be honest i could get it up to that really quickly if i wanted to ... and then re apply! how would they like that.  (sorry my sarcasticness is getting the best of me lol)

If i had been approved it would have happened within the next fews days! I would have been so excited! so i will hold in my excitement until i am approved!
thats all for now!

anxiety got the best of me...

Dec 11, 2006

just a quick update!!!!

I am a very impatient person.  Its a bad personal trait that I really need to work on :)  anywho as i am a very anxious person and i was sitting at my computer thinking, hey why don't i just give OHIP,my pcp, and barix a call just for an update.  well barix recieved my EKG which was good, When I talk to the receptionist at my pcp office she said she and the other staff would keep a look out for anything from OHIP, i have been going there for like 15 yrs or more sooo they kinda know me ... lol.... so they said they would give me a shout as soon as they heard anything... I also left messages on voice mail of two ppl....from OHIP .. .everyone is probably annoyed with me... but unless your a little buzzy bee in someones ear sometimes you get over looked... and i don't want that to happen.

consult with dr.kam

Dec 05, 2006

I went to my consult at barix yesterday, it was with Dr. Kam, he was a very nice ! I kind od wanted dr.pop, but i think my decision will solely matter when they can get me in. I was the first person the sign in so i was in and out within an hour.  The only thing that he wanted me to do was have an EKG done which is not a problem and they don't take very long. So i'll have to take care of that soon.  He said that i was a perfect candidate for the lap roux en y ... which was exactly what i wanted...I can't wait !  

The only thing i am concerned about is approval from OHIP, my pcp did not write a letter for me.  Although she did state my height weight BMI and possible co morbides if i did not have this surgery soon.  it still concerns me that she didn't write me a letter! I ask her to and she said it wasn't necessary.. So i just keep hoping that she didn't put me in a situation where i may not get approval because of something as silly as a letter from her.  i sent along my family history, my diet history and a letter from myself in hopes that it would let OHIP see how much i truely want this surgery! Maybe they will take that into account!

The soonest I could get in for surgery is the first of the year unless someone has a cancelation, which i would gladly take, but if i do not get approval soon none of that will matter because i'll have to wait till march when I have spring break... i was hoping to enjoy spring break 40 lbs or so lighter not at the weight i'm at!! errrr... so i'll have to wait and see.

told my mom

Dec 04, 2006


well i have told my mom what is going on with me and my decisions.
 I just could not keep it from her. I new it was the right thing for her to know and she completely supports me. Being over weight more than half my life is a long time and she wants to see me happy and healthy!

I'm really excited for my consult because i think it almost instill the fact that this is really happening.

I am really nervous about OHIP approval.  I hope that they don't just see my age and think "shes too young" , but i know by getting this surgery now i will not have to deal with more co  morbidities in the future and i have many that run in my family.

here i sit anxiously awaiting approval!

going well....

Dec 04, 2006

So i had my appointment with my pcp today to fill out the necessary paperwork for OHIP approval.  She filled everything out so very quickly that i actually had to read it over before i left because i thought she may have missed something.  She never weighed me or checked my height she just took my word for it.  In which i thought was a lttle weird! but at least she filled it out right.  She also checked off death and tissue damage! Which in this case i was actually excited about from what I was told from everyone those checks were the golden ticket to being approved.  so i was happy about that.  

I also had a slight run around trying to find a fax number to fax my now completed form!  I finally was able to get ahold of someone with some real answers.  I faxed it off and the lady in thunderbay said she was faxing it off the the medical consultant who would be approving my paperwork and all was filled out correctly ! so now i'm just waiting to hear from someone with some GOOD news....lol keep your fingers crossed, toes, eyes whatever you can think of .  

I called barix today and scheduled my consult for TOMORROW ! yes very quick but i'm excited. So hopefully i am only steps away from having WLS and being approved! I asked the lady at barix (off the record) how soon she thought i may be able to have surgery and i may be able to get it just before the new year or shortly after!!! :) yahhh i'm excited oh so very excited ...i don't know if you could tell yet lol...

About Me
Windsor, ON
Surgery Date
Nov 14, 2006
Member Since

Friends 62

Latest Blog 63
Nov weight and hit 158 lbs!!!
september weight's
aug weight chart
90 lbs lost ! ! !
weight loss
still at 187 lbs ! not moving...
